white cliff sandstone
sandstone: white cliff sandstone
(无道理的话) nonsense
(无遮盖) bare; naked:
(无钱无势的家庭) family of limited means and without powerful connections
(无限度的) boundless; limitless:
(无须提到或不值得提) not worth mentioning:
(日出之处) the place where the sun rises
(日子不好过) have a very hard time; things are tough; find oneself beset with difficulties
(日本一城市) Chitose
(日本一城市) Kyushu
(日本城市名) kyoto
(日本明冶以前掌握全国政权的军阀) shogunate
(日语字母) kana:
(旧事物灭亡前暂时兴旺的现象) a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse
(旧事重提) harp on an old story
(旧办法; 旧样子) beaten track:
(旧指书信) correspondence (of an eminent writer)
(旧指地方豪绅) an address for a rich landowner, etc., somewhat similar to esquire
(旧指姬妾所居之处) the living quarters for one's concubines
(旧指微贱的家庭) humble family
(旧指授业于同一个老师的人) pupils of the same master
(旧指社会地位高的) belonging to the upper circles; upper-class:
(旧时借指女孩) girl; daughter
(旧时凉山等少数民族地区的奴隶)slave (among the minority nationalities in the Liangshan Mountains)
(旧时向上级分条陈述意见的文件) written presentation
(旧时城门上的瞭望楼) watchtower
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