

单词 replication crisis

replication crisis



Coined in the early 2010s with growing awareness of the problem.

Proper noun

the replication crisis

  1. The problem that many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to replicate or reproduce, casting doubt on the meaningfulness of their results in light of the requirements of the scientific method.
    • 2018, Brian M. Hughes, Psychology in Crisis (page 24)
      In any crisis, there are the people who ask 'Crisis? What crisis?' Psychology's replication crisis is no exception. Almost as soon as the Open Science Collaboration published the results of its reproducibility project, there were critics who complained that the work itself was an example of spurious research in psychology.
    • 2019, Ross D. Parke, ‎Glenn I. Roisman, ‎Amanda J. Rose, Social Development (page 59)
      One simple (albeit partial) solution to the “replication crisis” is to conduct studies that use samples large enough to produce good estimates of the associations of interest.
    • 2020, Vincenzo F. DiNicola, ‎Drozdstoj Stoyanov, Psychiatry in Crisis (page 141)
      They argue that the larger part of the replication crisis is the lack of a cumulative theoretical framework: []




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