

单词 repeater




repeat + -er


repeater (plural repeaters)

  1. One who or that which repeats.
  2. (education) A student repeating a course or class.
  3. (medicine) A patient who repeatedly presents with the same symptoms.
  4. (marketing) A consumer who repeatedly purchases the same goods or services.
  5. (US) One who votes more than once at an election.
    • 1912, Upton Sinclair, The Machine:
      The pimps and the panders, the cadets and maquereaux… they vote the ticket of the organization; they contribute to the campaign funds; they serve as colonizers and repeaters at the polls.
  6. (ufology) A person who regularly sees unexplained sightings of paranormal phenomena.
  7. (firearms) A gun that has a store of cartridges and does not need reloading after each shot.
  8. A telegraphic instrument for automatically retransmitting a message.
  9. (electronics) An electronic device that receives a weak or low-level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power.
  10. (horology) A watch with a striking apparatus which, upon pressure of a spring, will indicate the time, usually in hours and quarters.
  11. (nautical) A frigate appointed to attend an admiral in a fleet, and to repeat the admiral's signals.
  12. (nautical) A pennant used to indicate that a certain flag in a hoist of signal is duplicated[19th century].
  13. (mathematics) A repeating decimal.
  14. (textiles) In calico printing, a design repeated at equal intervals in a pattern.

Derived terms

  • banner repeater


Further reading

  • repeater on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • repeater (horology) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • repeating rifle on Wikipedia.Wikipedia


  • Pear Tree, pear tree, peartree, repartee, repartée, rerepeat




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