visible-area map
map: visible-area map
(章回小说或说书在最紧要、热闹时突然停顿的地方) a sudden break in a story (to create suspense)
(童工的劳动) child labour
(端庄安详) dignified and serene:
(笑声) a description of the sound of laughter
(笑时露出牙齿的样子) smiling broadly:
(笑脸) smiling face
(笑话) laugh at (me or us):
(笑貌) smilingly:
(笔力雄健) vigorous; forceful
(笔势; 文章的锋芒) vigour of style in writing; forcefulness of writing; sharpness of style; stroke; touch:
(笔记) sketches and notes
(符合某人思想感情) be to sb.'s taste [liking]
(符合某人思想感情) seem all right:
(笨重) unwieldy; heavy; bulky; cumbersome:
(第一天) the first day
(第一次犯罪) first offense; first crime; commit an offence for the first time
(第一胎生下的孩子) the firstborn child
(第一) in the first place; first of all; above all; [拉] primo:
(第五更) the fifth watch of the night; just before dawn:
(等候到) wait until; wait till:
(等级; 地位) position; grade; rank
(答复的话) a verbal message in reply; reply:
(筹划; 筹办) plan and prepare
(简单容易) easy; simple:
(简单扼要) briefly; in broad outline
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