

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/zanovětь
< Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic


This Proto-Slavic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



Unclear. While formally and by the main meaning strain of Genisteae tribe plants closer to *za- + *noviti (to renew) + *-ětь, because cleaning the house with besoms from Cytisus scoparia makes the house appear new, or for some magical reason of starting a new month or the like, it may actually be *za- + *navь (death, grave, evil spectres) + *-ětь, the term extinct in the modern Slavic languages retained in Latvian nāve (death), as broomrape is usually named as a death-bringer, see the translations of broomrape, occurring together with brooms because of parasitizing them and then possibly named together; though the meaning of broomrape is missing in the descendants of *zanovětь, this derivation also works with the noxious weed restharrow (Ononis). But in view of Finnish näive (broomrape) there may be a phono-semantic matching of Uralic. In either case, if originally *zanavětь, possibly reinterpreted as from *novъ (new) after the original referent stepped aside in favour of a new one.


*zanovětь m

  1. broom (especially Cytisus); restharrow (Ononis)
  2. (uncertain) broomrape (Orobanche)



  • East Slavic:
    • Russian: зановец (zanovec), зановица (zanovica), зановит (zanovit), зановат (zanovat), зеноват (zenovat) (obsolete, Ukraine)
    • Ukrainian: зі́но́вать (zínóvatʹ), жарновець (žarnovecʹ) are standard, other forms include за́новать (zánovatʹ), за́новіть (zánovitʹ), зановить (zanovytʹ), зиновать (zynovatʹ), зиновник (zynovnyk), зіновник (zinovnyk), зіновка (zinovka), зановат (zanovat), зановец (zanovec), зановит (zanovyt)
  • South Slavic:
    • Bulgarian: за́новец (zánovec), за́новет (zánovet), за́новит (zánovit)
    • Macedonian: зановет (zanovet), занофит (zanofit)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: за̏нове̄т, за̏новје̄т, за̏новије̄т, за̏наве̄т
      Latin: zȁnovēt, zȁnovjēt, zȁnovijēt, zȁnavēt
    • Slovene: zánovet
  • West Slavic:
    • Old Czech: janovít, janofít, janobít, janosít, janosiet, jinosít
      • Czech: janovec, žanovec, dialectally zanovec
    • Old Polish: zanowiec, zanowięć, żarnowiec, sianowiec, janosiet, janobyt, sianożęć, żnisiano
    • Polish: janowiec, żarnowiec, zanowiec, zanowiacz
      • Belarusian: зяно́вец (zjanóvjec)
    • Slovak: žanovec, zanovec, zanovit, zánovec – notably for Galega officinalis and Melilotus officinalis
    • Sorbian:
      Lower Sorbian: janowjeś, nowjeś, zanowjeś, zanowiś
      Upper Sorbian: žanowc
  • Non-Slavic:
    • Hungarian: zanót

Further reading

  • Georgiev V. I., editor (1979), за̀новец”, in Български етимологичен речник [Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary] (in Bulgarian), volume 2, Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, page 600
  • Melnychuk, O. S., editor (1982–2012), зі́но́вать”, in Етимологічний словник української мови [Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language] (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka
  • Miklosich, Franz (1886), “*zanovêtĭ”, in Etymologisches Wörterbuch der slavischen Sprachen (in German), Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller, page 399b
  • Muka, Arnošt (1921, 1928), janoẃeś”, in Słownik dolnoserbskeje rěcy a jeje narěcow (in German), St. Petersburg, Prague: ОРЯС РАН, ČAVU; Reprinted Bautzen: Domowina-Verlag, 2008, wrongly reconstructs *janovětь, which form is only valid in the Catholic Slavia after the personal name Jan, due to blossoming at Saint John's Eve
  • Пујић, Саво (2013) Херцеговачка пчеларска лексика (Српски дијалектолошки зборник; 60) (in Serbo-Croatian), Београд: Институт за српски језик Српске академије наука и уметности, page 693
  • Trubachyov, Oleg, editor (1997), *navь”, in Этимологический словарь славянских языков [Etymological Dictionary of Slavic Languages] (in Russian), issue 24 (*navijati (sę)/*navivati (sę) – *nerodimъ(jь)), Moscow: Nauka, →ISBN, page 49




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