

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/-išče
< Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic


This Proto-Slavic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.


Alternative forms

  • (West Slavic, partially Belarusian and Ukrainian): *-isko.
  • (with -ov- formant, taken from u-stems, and influenced by verbs on -ovati and adjectives on -ovъ): *-ovišče.


From earlier *isk-je. Originally it was probably used exclusively denominally for forming augmentatives, and later a semantic shift to place names occurred. E.g. *bolto (mud)*boltišče (large mud, a lot of mud) > "there where is muddy". Deverbal formations from verbs on *-iti are a late innovation.


*-išče n

  1. Denominal, denoting places or spaces.
    *gnojь (manure, pus, dung)*gnojišče (midden, cesspool, manure pile)
    *ogňь (fire)*ogňišče (fireplace)
    *sǫdъ (judgement, trial)*sǫdišče (court)
    *lovъ (hunting, hunt)*lovišče (hunting area/ground)
  2. Denominal, forming augmentatives, denoting increase or growth of quality.
    *dvorъ (court, courtyard)*dvorišče (yard)
    *tъrgъ (commodity, wares; market)*tъržišče (market, fairground)
  3. Denominal, forming emotionally colored nouns, mostly augmentatives (usually with pejorative connotation), rarely diminutives.
    *baba (old woman)*babišče (hag)
    *čudo (wonder)*čudovišče (monster)
  4. Denominal, forming nouns denoting a handle of a tool.
    *kosa (scythe)*kosišče (scythe handle)
    *toporъ (axe, hatchet)*toporišče (axe handle)


Derived terms

Proto-Slavic terms suffixed with *-išče


  • East Slavic:
    • Old East Slavic: -ище (-išče)
      • Belarusian: -ішча (-išča), -ышча (-yšča)
      • Russian: -ище (-išče)
      • Rusyn: -іще (-išče)
      • Ukrainian: -ище (-yšče)
  • South Slavic:
    • Old Church Slavonic:
      Old Cyrillic: -ище (-ište)
      Glagolitic: -ⰹⱋⰵ (-ište)
      • Romanian: -iște
      • Albanian: -ishte
    • Bulgarian: -ище (-ište)
    • Macedonian: -иште (-ište)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: -иште
      Latin: -ište, -išče, -išće
    • Slovene: -išče
  • West Slavic:
    • Czech: -iště
    • Kashubian: -iszcze, -ëszcze
    • Polabian: -istě
    • Polish: -yszcze, -iszcze
    • Slovak: -ište, -iščo (dialectal)
    • Slovincian: -ěščɵ, -i̯ščɵ
    • Sorbian:
      • Lower Sorbian: -išćo
      • Upper Sorbian: -išćo


  • Šekli, Matej (2012), “Besedotvorni pomeni samostalniških izpeljank v praslovanščini”, in Philological Studies (in Slovene), volume 10, issue 1, Skopje, Perm, Ljubljana, Zagreb, pages 115–32
  • Halla-aho, Jussi (2006) Problems of Proto-Slavic Historical Nominal Morphology: On the Basis of Old Church Slavic (Slavica Helsingiensia; 26), Helsinki: University of Helsinki, page 77f
  • Sławski, Franciszek, editor (1974), *-išče”, in Słownik prasłowiański [Proto-Slavic Dictionary] (in Polish), volume 1 (a – bьzděti), Wrocław: National Ossoliński Institute, page 95




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