

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian/hatəD
< Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian




From Proto-Austronesian *SateD (accompany, escort; send, return).



  1. to accompany, to conduct, to convey, to escort;
  2. to send;
  3. to return;
  4. to escort the bride to her husband;
  5. to gift of food at a wedding;
  6. to send bridewealth payments


  • Barito
    • East Barito
      • Malagasy: atitra
  • Celebic
    • Kaili–Pamona
      • Northern
        • Pamona: ata
  • Kayan–Murik
    • Modang–Kayan
      • Kayanic
        • Baram Kayan: aten
        • Kayan River Kayan: ater
  • Lampungic
    • Lampung Api: atot
  • North Bornean
    • Proto-North Sarawak:
      • Bintulu: ated
  • Old Javanese: atĕr
    • Javanese: ꦲꦠꦼꦂ (ater)
    • Balinese: ᬳᬢᭂᬃ (ater)
  • Palauan: ngader (gift)
  • Proto-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian: *ated
    • South Halmahera–West New Guinea
      • Cenderawasih
        • Biak: yaker (to escort)
  • Proto-Malayo-Sumbawan:
    • Maduresic
      • Madurese: ater
    • Proto-Malayo-Chamic:
      • Bali-Sasak-Sumbawa
        • Balinese: ᬳᬢᭂᬄ (ateh)
        • Sasak: ater
        • Sumbawa: antat
      • Proto-Chamic:
        • Acehnese: antat
        • Highlands
          • Rade: atăt
      • Proto-Malayic: *hantar
        • Banjarese: atar
        • Betawi: anter
        • Malay: hantar
          • Indonesian: hantar, antar
    • Sundanese-Badui
      • Sundanese: ᮃᮔ᮪ᮒᮩᮁ (anteur)
  • Proto-Philippine:
    • Central Luzon
      • Kapampangan: atád
      • Sambalic
        • Sambali: atel
    • Central Philippine
      • Bikol
        • Bikol Central: hatód
      • Bisayan
        • Cebuano: hatod
        • Central Bisayan
          • Hiligaynon: hatúd
        • Western Bisayan
          • Aklanon: hatód
      • Gorontalo–Mongondow
        • Mongondowic
          • Mongondow: atod
      • Manobo
        • Western Bukidnon Manobo: hated
      • Mansakan
        • Mandayan
          • Mansaka: atud
      • Tagalog: hatíd
    • Northern Luzon
      • Meso-Cordilleran
        • Central Cordilleran
          • Nuclear Cordilleran
            • Bontok–Kankanay
              • Central Bontoc: ated
    • South Mindanao
      • Tboli: eted
  • Proto-South Sulawesi:
    • Bugis–Tamanic
      • Bugisic
        • Buginese: ᨕᨈᨑ (antarak)
      • Tamanic
        • Embaloh: antat
    • Makassaric
      • Makasar: antarak (𑻱𑻦𑻭, ᨕᨈᨑ)
    • Northern
      • Toraja
        • Tae': antaq
  • Blust's Austronesian Comparative Dictionary – *hateD




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