

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian/bəʀək
< Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian


This Proto-Malayo-Polynesian entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



From Proto-Austronesian *bəʀək.



  1. domesticated pig


  • Philippine
    • Northern Luzon
      • Pangasinan: belék
    • Central Luzon
      • Abenlen Ayta: beyek
    • South Mindanao
      • Tboli: blek
  • North Bornean
    • Southwest Sabahan
      • Dusunic
        • Central Dusun: wogok
        • Coastal Kadazan: vogok
        • Momogun
          • Rungus: vogok
          • Kimaragang: wogok
          • Tobilung: wogok
      • Paitanic
        • Tombonuo: wogok
        • Upper Kinabatangan: wogok
    • North Sarawakan
      • Dayic
        • Kelabit: berek
        • Lun Bawang: berek
  • Old Javanese: wök
  • Proto-Oceanic: *boʀok
    • Admiralty Islands
      • Seimat: pow
    • Western Oceanic
      • Meso-Melanesian
        • Bali-Vitu
          • Uneapa: boroko
        • Willaumez
          • Nakanai: bolo
        • New Ireland–Northwest Solomonic
          • Tungag–Nalik
            • Tigak: vogo
          • St. George
            • Sursurunga: bor
            • Fanamaket: bo
            • Patpatar–Tolai
              • Tolai: boro-i
            • Kandas–Ramoaaina
              • Ramoaaina: boro
          • Northwest Solomonic
            • Nehan–Bougainville
              • Papapana: bolo
            • Mono–Uruavan
              • Alu: boko
            • New Georgia–Ysabel
              • Simbo: boroqo
      • North New Guinea
        • Sarmi–Jayapura
          • Tarpia: por
        • Schouten
          • Kairiru–Manam
            • Manam: boro
            • Wogeo: boro
        • Ngero–Vitiaz
          • Bel
            • Takia: bol
            • Gedaged: boz
        • Huon Gulf
          • Numbami: bola
          • Markham
            • Middle Watut: mpuk
            • South Watut: mbuk
          • South Huon Gulf
            • Patep: bwɔk
      • Papuan Tip
        • Nuclear Papuan Tip
          • Are
            • Gapapaiwa: poro
          • Suauic
            • Bwanabwana: polo
        • Nimoa–Sudest
          • Sudest: mbo-mbo
    • Central-Eastern Oceanic
      • Southeast Solomonic
        • Bugotu–Gela
          • Bughotu: botho
          • Gela: mbolo
      • Southern Oceanic
        • North Vanuatu
          • Espiritu Santo
            • Merei: mbo
          • South Pentecost
            • Apma: bo


  • Blust, Robert & Stephen Trussell, Austronesian Comparative Dictionary – *beRek.




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