

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian/bəʀsay
< Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian


This Proto-Malayo-Polynesian entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



  • IPA(key): /bəʀsaj/



  1. canoe paddle



  1. to paddle a canoe


  • Celebic:
    • Bungku–Tolaki:
      • Kulisusu: bose
    • Kaili–Pamona:
      • Pamona: wose
    • Saluan–Banggai:
      • Banggai: bose
    • Tomini–Tolitoli:
      • Tajio: bosoy
    • Wotu–Wolio:
      • Wolio: bose
  • Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:
    • Central Malayo-Polynesian:
      • Central Maluku:
        • Taliabu: bose (Soboyo)
      • Flores–Lembata:
        • Sika: behe
      • Kei–Tanimbar:
        • Onin: vahi
        • Onin: pesa
        • Sekar: besa
        • Yamdena: bese
      • Selaru:
        • Selaru: hesire
      • Sumba–Flores:
        • Bima: wese
        • Sabu: sohe
      • Timoric:
        • Kisar: wohi
        • Luangic:
          • Leti (Indonesia): wesi
          • Moa: wehije
          • Wetan: wei
    • Eastern Malayo-Polynesian: *boʀse
      • Halmahera-Cenderawasih:
        • Bedoanas–Erokwanas:
          • Arguni: pores
        • Cenderawasih Bay:
          • Biakic:
            • Biak: bores (Numfor)
          • Yapen:
            • Ansus: bo
            • Serui-Laut: bo
            • Wandamen: bo, vo
        • Mor (Austronesian): bóra
      • Oceanic: *pose
    • Kowiai: fosa
  • Chamorro: poksai
  • Greater Barito:
    • East Barito:
      • Dusun Witu: wehei
      • Ma'anyan: wehei
      • Malagasy: voy
    • Mahakam:
      • Tunjung: bersi'
    • Sama-Bajaw:
      • Bajau
        • Indonesian Bajau: busai
        • Mapun: busay
        • West Coast Bajau: busai
      • Inabaknon: busay
      • Sinama:
        • Central Sama: busay
        • Pangutaran Sama: busay
        • Southern Sama: busay
      • Yakan: busey
    • West Barito:
      • Bakumpai: beseː
      • Ngaju: besei
  • Kayanic: *bəsay
    • Kayan–Murik:
      • Kayan:
        • Baram Kayan: besei
        • Busang Kayan: bəse
        • Data Dian: bəsay
      • Murik-Merap:
        • Ngorek: bahe
        • Punan Merap: mahaːe̯
    • Segai–Modang:
      • Segai:
        • Punan Kelai: psae̯
        • Segai: psɑːy (Gaai)
      • Modang:
        • Long Gelat: pəsɛy
        • Modang: pəseː
  • Land Dayak:
    • Bau Bidayuh: birosi
  • Malayo-Sumbawan:
    • Bali–Sasak:
      • Sasak: bose
  • North Borneo:
    • Central Sarawak:
      • Punan–Müller-Schwaner:
        • Müller-Schwaner:
          • Aoheng: bosi
          • Seputan: bosi
        • Punan:
          • Bukat: bosi
          • Punan Bah-Biau: besay
    • North Sarawak:
      • Dayic:
        • Kelabit: besai
      • Kenyah:
        • Highland A:
          • Lepo’ Laang: bəsay
          • Lepo’ Sawa: bəsay
        • Highland B:
          • Badeng: bəsay
          • Lepo’ Tau: bəsay
        • Lowland:
          • Lebo’ Vo’: bəsay
          • Penan:
            • Eastern Penan: besai
    • Northeast Sabah:
      • Bonggi: berosi
    • Southwest Sabah:
      • Dusunic:
        • Central Dusun: bosi
  • Palauan: besós
  • Philippine: *bəʀsay
    • Central Luzon:
      • Sambalic:
        • Bolinao: bugsáy
        • Mag-Anchi Ayta: bagsay
    • Greater Central Philippine:
      • Central Philippine:
        • Bisayan:
          • Asi: búgsay
          • Cebu:
            • Cebuano: bugsáy
          • Central:
            • Hiligaynon: búgsay
            • Masbatenyo: búgsay
            • Romblomanon: bugsay
          • South:
            • Tausug: bugsay
          • West:
            • Aklanon: búgsay
        • Mansakan:
          • Mansaka: bugsay
          • Tagakaulu Kalagan: begsay
      • Gorontalo–Mongondow:
        • Mongondow: botoi
      • Manobo:
        • Ata Manobo: bogsoy
        • Binukid: begsay
        • Obo Manobo: badsoy
        • Western Bukidnon Manobo: beɣsey
      • Palawanic:
        • Brooke's Point Palawano: begsey
      • South Mangyan
        • Hanunoo: bugsáy
    • Kalamian:
      • Agutaynen: beltay
    • Northern Luzon:
      • Northeastern Luzon:
        • Casiguran Dumagat Agta: busay
  • South Sulawesi:
    • Buginese: wise
    • Makasar: bise


  • Alexander D. Smith, 2017, The Languages of Borneo: A Comprehensive Classification, dissertation, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
  • Blust's Austronesian Comparative Dictionary – *beRsay




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