

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian/bətik
< Reconstruction:Proto-Malayo-Polynesian


This Proto-Malayo-Polynesian entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



From Proto-Austronesian *bəCik.


  • IPA(key): /bətik/



  1. tattoo


  • Central Malayo-Polynesian:
    • Manggarai: wetik
    • Ngadha: weti
    • Rembong: wetik
    • Sika: bate
  • Western Malayo-Polynesian:
    • Borneo-Philippine:
      • Kayan–Murik:
        • Murik (Malaysia): beték
        • Ngorek: beték
      • North Bornean:
        • Central Sarawak:
          • Punan Tubu: batik
        • North Sarawak:
          • Dayic:
            • Kelabit: betik
            • Lun Bawang: betik
          • Kenyah:
            • Highland:
              • Highland A:
                • Bakung: betik, beték
                • Lepo’ Gah: beték
                • Lepo’ Laang: betik
                • Lepo’ Sawa: betik
              • Highland B:
                • Badeng: betik
                • Lepo’ Tau: betek
            • Lowland:
              • Lebo’ Vo’: beték
              • Uma’ Pawe: betik
            • Penan:
              • Eastern Penan: beték
        • Northeast Sabah:
          • Bonggi: botik
        • Southwest Sabah:
          • Greater Dusunic:
            • Central Dusun: wotik
            • Coastal Kadazan: votik
            • Kimaragang: wotik
            • Rungus: votik
            • Tobilung: wotik
          • Murutic:
            • Burusu: batik
            • Timugon Murut: batik
          • Paitanic:
            • Tombonuo: wotik
      • Philippine: *batik, *batek
        • Batanic:
          • Ibatan: vatek
        • Central Luzon:
          • Abenlen Ayta: batek
          • Kapampangan: batik
        • Greater Central Philippine:
          • Central Philippine:
            • Cebuano: batik, batuk
            • Tagalog: batik
          • Palawanic:
            • Palawan Batak: batek
        • Northern Luzon:
          • Ilocano: batek
          • Meso-Cordilleran:
            • Central Cordilleran:
              • Bontoc: batek
              • Ifugao: batok
              • Kankanaey: batek
            • Southern Cordilleran:
              • Ibaloi: batek
              • Pangasinan: batek
        • South Mindanao:
          • Tboli: betek
    • Celebic:
      • Banggai: botik
      • Pamona: woti
    • Sunda-Sulawesi:
      • Malayo-Sumbawan:
        • Balinese: bathik
        • Sasak: bathik
      • Old Javanese: baṭik
        • Javanese: bathik
          • Malay: batik
            • Indonesian: batik
      • South Sulawesi:
        • Makasar: batti', bate'
        • Tae': bate'

Further reading

  • Blust's Austronesian Comparative Dictionary – *beCik




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