

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Kartvelian/ʒ₁am-
< Reconstruction:Proto-Kartvelian


This Proto-Kartvelian entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.


Alternative reconstructions

  • *ʒ₁ma- (Klimov)


*ʒ₁am- (Fähnrich–Sarǯvelaʒe)

  1. brother

Reconstruction notes

The vowel is believed to have been present in the stem because of the Zan and Svan cognates. This vowel should have been (a), because Laz-Mingrelian vowels (u) and (i) correspond to Georgian (a). Also, note ძამ-ა (ʒam-a) and ძამ-იკ-ო (ʒam-iḳ-o) where the vowel has not dropped out. Accordingly, Fähnrich–Sarǯvelaʒe reconstructs *ʒ₁am-, while Klimov reconstructs *ʒ₁ma-.

Also, Mingrelian ჯიმა (ǯima) and Laz ჯუმა (ǯuma) forms have, as their plural forms, ჯიმა-ლ-ეფ-ი (ǯima-l-ep-i) and ჯუმა-ლ-ეფ-ი (ǯuma-l-ep-i), but the Zan suffix for pluralization is -ეფ-ი (-ep-i). Therefore, in the plural forms of these words, the consonant (l) is restored, which suggests that, originally, this consonant might have been present in the singular.


  • Proto-Georgian-Zan:
    • Old Georgian: ძმაჲ (ʒmay)
      • Georgian: ძმა (ʒma), ძამა (ʒama), ძამია (ʒamia), ძამიკო (ʒamiḳo)
    • Zan: *ǯuma-
      • Laz: ჯუმა (ǯuma)
      • Mingrelian: ჯიმა (ǯima), ჯჷმა (ǯəma)
  • Svan: ჯჷმილ (ǯəmil, brother (in relation to sister))


  • Klimov, G. A. (1998) Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Trends in linguistics. Documentation; 16), New York, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pages 288–289
  • Penrixi (Fähnrich), Hainc; Sarǯvelaʒe, Zurab (2000) Kartvelur enata eṭimologiuri leksiḳoni [Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages] (in Georgian), Tbilisi: Tbilisi Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani State University Press, page 619–620
  • Fähnrich, Heinz (2007) Kartwelisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch [Kartvelian Etymological Dictionary] (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.18) (in German), Leiden, Boston: Brill, page 600–601

Further reading

  • Čikobava, Arnold (1938) Č̣anur-megrul-kartuli šedarebiti leksiḳon [Laz–Megrel–Georgian Comparative Dictionary] (Works; IV) (in Georgian), Tbilisi: Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, published 2008, page 44―46
  • Mač̣avariani, Givi (1956), “A xmovnis labializaciis šemtxvevebi svanurši [Cases of labialization of the vowel a in Svan]”, in Sakartvelos ssr mecnierebata aḳademiis moambe (in Georgian), issue 4, Tbilisi, page 365―368
  • Gudava, Ṭogo (1960), “O-s u-ši gadasvlis zogierti šemtxveva zanur (megrul-č̣anur) enaši [Some cases of transition of o into u in Zan (Mingrelian-Chan) language]”, in Sakartvelos ssr mecnierebata aḳademiis moambe (in Georgian), volume 25, issue 1, Tbilisi, page 119―122




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