

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Austronesian/qaləp
< Reconstruction:Proto-Austronesian


This Proto-Austronesian entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.




  1. to beckon
  2. wave


  • Formosan (geographic):
    • Northern Formosan
      • Northwestern Formosan:
        • Pazeh: m-arep
  • Proto-Malayo-Polynesian: *qaləp
    • Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:
      • Central Malayo-Polynesian:
        • Central Maluku
          • Buru-Sulah
            • Buru
              • Buru (Indonesia): ale-h
      • East Malayo-Polynesian:
        • Proto-Oceanic: *qalop
          • West Oceanic:
            • Schouten
              • Kairiru–Manam
                • Manam
                  • Manam: alo-i
          • Central-Eastern Oceanic
            • Central Pacific:
              • East Fijian
                • Fijian: yalo, yalov-a
              • Proto-Polynesian:
                • Samoic
                  • Samoan–Tokelauan
                    • Samoan: t-ālo
                • Tongic
                  • Tongan: ta-'alo
            • Micronesian:
              • Nuclear Micronesian
                • Gilbertese: ano-a
            • Southeast Solomonic:
              • Gela–Guadalcanal
                • Gelic
                  • Gela: alo, alov-i
              • Longgu–Malaita-Makira
                • Malaita-Makira
                  • Makira
                    • Arosi: saro, hai-saroh-i
            • Southern Oceanic:
              • Northern Vanuatu
                • Espiritu Santo
                  • Nuclear Santo
                    • Southwest Santo
                      • Araki: alov-i
    • Western Malayo-Polynesian:
      • Chamorro: alof
  • Proto-Austronesian: *qaləpan
    • Proto-Malayo-Polynesian: *qaləpan
      • Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:
        • East Malayo-Polynesian:
          • Proto-Oceanic: *qalopan
            • Central-Eastern Oceanic:
              • Central Pacific: qalova
                • Proto-Polynesian: *qarofa
                  • Proto-Nuclear Polynesian:
                    • Proto-Eastern Polynesian:
                      • Marquesic:
                        • Hawaiian: aloha
                          • English: aloha
                      • Tahitic:
                        • Maori: aroha
                          • English: aroha
                        • Tahitian: arofa
                      • Rapa Nui: 'aroha
                    • Samoic-Outlier
                      • Ellicean
                        • Tuvaluan: alofa
                      • Futunic
                        • Anuta: aropa
                          • English: aropa
                      • Samoic
                        • Samoan: alofa, talofa
                        • Tokelauan: alofa
                  • Tongic
                    • Niuean: fakaalofa
                    • Tongan: ofa
  • Blust's Austronesian Comparative Dictionary – *qalep




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