

单词 Reconstruction:Proto-Austronesian/huʀaC
< Reconstruction:Proto-Austronesian


This Proto-Austronesian entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



  • IPA(key): /huʀat͡s/



  1. vein, blood vein
  2. artery, blood vessel
  3. muscle
  4. nerve
  5. sinew, tendon


  • Formosan
    • Northern Formosan
      • Atayalic
        • Seediq: ulat (muscle, nerve, vein)
    • Northwestern Formosan
      • Pazeh: huhas (blood vessel, vein)
    • Eastern Formosan
      • Amis: olat (tendons, blood vessels)
    • Tsou: veocʉ
    • Paiwan: wats (vein, sinew)
    • Puyuma: uraT
  • Malayo-Polynesian: *uʀat
    • Philippine
      • Northern Philippine
        • Northern Luzon
          • Ilokano: urat
          • Ifugao: ulat
        • Central Luzon
          • Kapampangan: uyat
      • Central Philippine
        • Tagalog: ugat (vein, root, origin)
        • Bikol languages
          • Coastal Bikol
            • Bikol: ugat
        • Visayan
          • Cebuano: ugat
    • Bornean
      • North Bornean
        • Southwest Sabahan
          • Dusunic
            • Kadazan Dusun: tuat
      • North Sarawakan
        • Kelabit: urat
        • Bintulu: uat
      • Barito
        • East Barito
          • Malagasy: ozatra (muscle, tendon, sinew)
    • Nuclear Malayo-Polynesian
      • Sunda-Sulawesi
        • Malayo-Sumbawan
          • Malayic
            • Malayan
              • Malay: urat
                • Malacca (Riau) Malay
                  • Indonesian: urat
            • Ibanic
              • Iban: urat
        • South Sulawesi
          • Makassarese: uraʼ
        • Sunda Islands
          • Moken: olat
        • Palauan: ngurd
        • Chamorro: gugat
      • Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian
        • Central Malayo-Polynesian
          • Timor-Babar
            • Tetumic
              • Tetum: uat
            • Luangic
              • Leti: urta
        • Eastern Malayo-Polynesian
          • Oceanic: *uʀat
            • St Matthias
              • Mussau-Emira
                • Mussau: ueta
            • Western Oceanic
              • Meso-Melanesian
                • Patpatar-Tolai
                  • Tolai: urat
            • Micronesian
              • Nuclear Micronesian
                • Chuukic-Pohnpeic
                  • Chuukic
                    • Chuukese: wuwa, wuwó
            • Central Pacific
              • East Fijian
                • Fijian: ua
              • Polynesian: *ua
                • Eastern Polynesian
                  • Tahitic
                    • Maori: ua


  • Blust's Austronesian Comparative Dictionary — *huʀaC
  • Micronesian Comparative Dictionary — *ua




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