two-way pulse transmission
transmission: two-way pulse transmission
法定折扣率 official discount rate;
法定担保 statutory guarantee;
法定捕渔区 obligate fishing area;
法定支付期 legal term; term time;
法定时 legal time;
法定时效 statutory limitation;
法定时速 legal speed limit;
法定时间 legal limits of time;
法定最低资本额 minimal capital required by law
法定期限 legal time limit; statutory period;
法定标准 statutory standards;
法定检查[审计] statutory audit;
法定汇价 official quotation; official exchange rate;
法定汇兑平价 official par of exchange;
法定汇率 legal [official] exchange rate; pegged rate of exchange; pegged exchange parity; official rate of exchange;
法定测量器具 legal measuring instrument;
法定皮重 legal tare;
法定监护人 statutory guardian;
法定程序 legal procedures; statutory procedures;
法定税率 national tariff; statutory tariff;
法定继承 intestate succession;
法定继承人 heir at law;
法定继承权 forced heirship;
法定考试 statutory examination;
法定股本 authorized stock;
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