two-section choke coil
coil: two-section choke coil
(消防)水管车 hose car;
(消除; 排除) get rid of
(消除疲劳或不愉快的心情) remove the feeling of tiredness or get rid of unpleasantness
(淫秽的图画; 春画) pornography:
(淫秽) obscene; dirty; filthy
(深刻; 严重) deeply felt; bitter:
(深奥的道理或境界) profundity of thought or knowledge; profundities
(深奥) profound; abstruse; recondite:
(深远) faraway; distant; looming in the distance
(淳厚) pure and honest; simple and kind
(淹没) absorb; swallow up; engulf:
(添麻烦) add trouble to:
(清凉) cool; chilly
(清官; 常指旧中国能秉公行事的执法官) virtuous official
(清晰) clear; plain; intelligibility:
(清朗而有寒意) cold and clear:
(清末新军军衔) battalion commander; captain of a man-of-war (统辖一营的长官或舰长)
(清末督掌兵权的人, 属员称之谓大帅) generalissimo
(清楚响亮) clear; ringing; clear and resounding:
(清点存货) make an inventory of stock on hand; take stock
(清理滚筒用)星形铁 mill star;
(清算) square [settle; balance] accounts with sb.; get even with sb.:
(渐渐地) gradually
(渐渐消失) faint; dim; hazy:
(温柔体贴) affectionate; kind; gentle; tender:
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