单词 | turn |
释义 | turnturn[tə:n]vt.1.■转, 转动, 旋转turn a wheel转动轮子The wheel of history cannot be turned back.历史的车轮不能倒转。She turned the key in the lock.她用钥匙开锁。2.■翻, 翻转, 倒转, 倒置, 翻新(衣服等)turn a page翻一页turn a phonograph record把唱片翻过来He turned a somersault.他翻了个筋头。I had my overcoat turned.我把大衣翻个面。3.■使弯曲, 扭曲; 对折(书页等); 使(刀口[刃])卷起, 使变钝turn a lead pipe弯铅管He turned the edge of the knife.他使刀口卷刃[变钝]。He turned his ankle.他扭伤脚踝。4.■使朝向, 转向, 指向, 转移; 劝说; 集中turn one's steps homewards转身回家turn one's head away把头掉开T-it more to the right.把它向右边转动一下。T-your face this way.请把脸转到这边。5.■把(注意力等)转向; 把...用于; 把...对准turn one's hand to writing致力于 写作turn one's guns on the enemy把枪口对准敌人T-your attention to business.请把注意力集中在事务上。She turned her thoughts toward home.她转念思家。6.■挡开, 使偏斜turn a punch挡住一拳This metal is thick enough to turn a bullet.此金属厚得可以挡住子弹。7.■使变成; 改变; 使变质[变酸]The hot weather has turned the milk.天热使牛奶变质了。The cold weather turned leaves red.寒冷天气使树叶变红。8.■驱使, 撵, 驱散, 击退turn sb. out of the door把某人赶出门turn the enemy's attack击退敌人的进攻He was turned out of the hall for making too much noise.他因过于喧闹而被赶出会场。9.■使倾倒, 使颠倒turn the contents of one's bag out to the table把袋里的东西倒在桌上10.■兑换; 翻译, 改写turn coins into paper money把硬币换成纸币Can you turn this article into Chinese?你能把这篇文章译成汉语吗?11.■(时刻)超过, 逾He has turned fifty.他已经五十岁了。It has just turned half past two.现在刚过两点半。12.■对...仇视, 使作对, 使回击turn a son against his father使儿子仇视父亲13.■绕过turn a street corner沿街角拐弯14.■搅乱(心智), 使(心神)不安, 使冲昏(头脑)Too much praise turns his head.过多的赞扬冲昏了他的头脑。15.■使作呕, 使恶心The mere sight of food turned his stomach.一见食物, 他就想呕吐。The rotten fish turned my stomach.臭鱼使我恶心。16.■使遭受, 使受到; 使用, 利用turn money to good use使金钱得到很好利用。He can turn his hand to almost everything.他几乎什么都(学得)会。17.■使具有优美形式a well turned phrase漂亮的词句He can turn pretty compliments.他会说动听的恭维话。18.■使(货币、货物)流通, (存货)出清; 赚, 挣turn a penny赚一些钱a turn profit赚钱, 牟利19.■【刷】倒植, 倒排 ⑵⑽【机】车(削), 旋, 为...车外圆, 被车[旋]; 使成圆形turn a machine part车机器部件Let's get the lathe to turn the new piston.咱们用车床车[加工]新的活塞吧。 词性变化turn[tə:n]vi.1.■旋转; 转动, 环绕The wheels were turning slowly.轮子在缓慢地转动着。The earth turns round the sun.地球绕太阳旋转。2.■翻身, 转弯, 翻转All night long he turned and tossed in bed.整整一夜他在床上翻来覆去地睡不着。Now please turn round.现在请转过身来。The road turns sharp right.路向右急转。3.■求教, 求助We often turn to this handbook for information on transistors.我们常从这本手册查阅有关晶体管的资料。4.■翻到, 查阅, 转到Please turn to page twelve.请翻到十二页。The conversation inevitably turned to the changes that had taken place in the village.话题不可避免地转到谈村子里发生的变化。5.■变成, 变得; 变质, 变酸; 改变信仰; 变色The milk has turned.牛奶变质了。Maple leaves have turned crimson .枫叶已经红了。The weather suddenly turned cold.天气突然冷了起来。This afternoon will be cloudy, turning clear.今天下午阴转晴。He later turned Moslem.他后来改信了伊斯兰教。At a low temperature, water turns into ice.水在低温时就结成冰。6.■转而反对(against); 发怒, 攻击(on)Why did they suddenly turn against you?他们为什么突然转而反对你?7.■晕眩; 作呕My stomach turned at the sight of blood.我一看见血就想吐。My head is turning.我头晕。8.■变钝The knife's edge has turned.刀变钝了。9.■依赖, 取决于The success of the meeting turns on the weather.这次集会是否成功取决于天气状况。10.■【机】被旋, 被车, 在车床上加工a metal that turns easily容易车的金属11.■(商品)转手, 易手n.1.■旋转; 转身; 翻转; 转向, 转弯;【军】迂回2.■转角, 转弯处; 曲折处3.■变化; 转机; 转折点4.■形状, 样子; 倾向; 癖性; 气质; 特殊才能5.■一个回合, 走一圈; 散步; 行为, 举动6.■[英]杂技演员7.■轮流, 轮班8.■一卷, 一圈; 线匝, 匝数; 圈数9.■[pl. ]月经10.■【音】回音;【刷】倒头铅字11.■[美俚](杂技、广播等的)一个节目12.■(对原作的)改动, 改写13.■(语言等的)特色; 措词(特征)14.■[口]惊吓15.■一笔证券交易; 一笔证券交易的获利16.■【机】车床; 有旋转把柄的橱门闩17.■[古]计谋[策]; 必[需]要make a turn拐[转]弯; 转一圈take two turns拧[转]两圈a coil of 500 turns五百匝的线圈on the afternoon turn值下午班Matters have taken a bad turn.事情恶化。I don't like the turn of the sentence.我可不喜欢这句话的措词。It gave me quite a turn.可把我吓了一跳。It is your turn now.现在轮到你了。No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn.任何人都不准不按次序买票。 继承用法turnaboutn.1.■转身, 转向; 向后转2.■(方针、倾向等)转变3.■转到另一边; 变质4.■叛徒5.■(娱乐场的)转马6.■正反面都能穿的衣服turn-about-facen.1.■变节; 改变主意turnaround[ˈtɜ:nəˌraʊnd]n.1.■供车辆回旋的空地, 回车场; 回车道2.■飞机卸货、加油、检修及再装货所需的时间3.■(立场、方针等)转变turnawayvt.1.■离开, 转变...的方向; 不看; 解雇, 不许进入, 不愿接受, 走开, 出发turnbackn.1.■懦夫2.■(衣物的)翻新部分 词性变化turn[tə:n]adj.1.■翻折的turnbench[ˈtɜ:nbentʃ]n.1.■(可携带的)钟表工人用的车床turnbuckle[ˈtɜ:nˌbʌkl]n.1.■(松紧)螺套, 松紧螺旋扣, 螺丝接头, 紧线器, 拉线[花篮]螺丝, 拉丝螺干[螺纹套]turnbuttonn.1.■旋转式按纽turncap[ˈtɜ:nkæp]n.1.■(烟囱顶)旋转帽, 风帽turncoat[ˈtɜ:nkəʊt]n.1.■变节者, 叛徒turncock[ˈtɜ:nkɔk]n.1.■(有柄)旋塞turndown[ˈtɜ:ndaʊn]adj.(衣领等)可翻折的, 穿时翻下的 n.1.■翻折物2.■拒绝3.■衰落, 萧条turned-on[ˈtɜ:ndˈɔn,-ˈɔ:n]adj.1.■对时髦事物极敏感的, 好赶时髦的turnhalln.1.■体育馆turn-inn.1.■折进物(如书籍封面沿硬纸板边折进的部分)turnkey[ˈtɜ:nki:]n.1.■监狱看守adj.1.■(建筑商等对工程)一揽子承包的, 用户只须转动钥匙即可使用的turnoffn.1.■岔开, 避开; 断开[路], 切断, 关(闭), 扭闭2.■岔道, 支路3.■成品turnonn.1.■接通[入], (扭)开, 开启turnpiken.1.■(旧时的)收税栅2.■收税路, 收税高速公路3.■公路, 大道; (铁路)跨线桥, 高架桥turnplate[ˈtɜ:npleɪt]n.1.■转台[盘]turnrown.1.■地头turn-screwn.1.■旋凿, 螺丝起子, 传动丝杠turnsheetn.1.■转辙板turnsick[ˈtɜ:nsɪk]n.1.■蹒跚病turn-to-turna.1.■圈[匝]间的turn-undern.1.■翻入[折转]到下面的行动2.■底面曲线, 弯向下面的曲线(弯度) 习惯用语a hand's turn1.■举手之劳, 一臂之力; 一点工作a turn of fortune's wheel1.■命运的转变About turn! (=Right about turn!)1.■【军】向右转!at every turn1.■处处, 到处; 每一次, 经常地be turned (of)1.■年在...以上, 年过by turns1.■轮流地; 时而...时而...call the turn1.■定调子; 发号施令; 操纵, 左右着do sb. a bad turn1.■做有损于某人的事, 危害某人do sb. an ill turn1.■做有损于某人的事, 危害某人do sb. a good turn1.■做有利于某人的事, 为某人效了一次劳give a new turn to1.■对...给与新的说法, 给与...另外一种说法give another turn of the screw1.■对(某人)施加压力give sb. another turn of the screw1.■对(某人)施加压力give sb. a turn1.■[口]使某人大吃一惊, 把某人吓了一跳give sb. quite a turn1.■[口]使某人大吃一惊, 把某人吓了一跳go for a turn1.■散步2.■兜一圈, 玩一玩in turn1.■轮流地; 挨个, 依次; 反过来in one's turn1.■(依次)轮到时2.■这一回in the turn of a hand1.■顷刻之间Left turn!1.■【军】向左转!make a turn1.■转, 转弯on the turn1.■正在转变, 正在变化; 正在好转; (牛奶)变酸One good turn deserves another.1.■[谚]以德报德。out of turn1.■不依顺序地2.■冒冒失失地, 轻率地Right turn!1.■向右转!serve one's (own) turn (=serve a turn)1.■满足个人的需要2.■(紧急时)能起作用; 能应急serve sb. the good turn1.■(在...方面)对某人有好处serve sb. the good turn of1.■(在...方面)对某人有好处serve sb.'s turn1.■对某人有用; 适合某人的需要short turn1.■短小的节目star turn1.■主要节目, 压轴戏2.■引人注目的人物, 大红人take a turn1.■转, 转弯2.■散步, 溜达溜达3.■(骑马, 乘船)玩一玩, 兜一兜风4.■做一会(工作)5.■(形势)转变take a turn for the better1.■好转, 变好take a turn for the worse1.■变坏, 恶化take turns1.■依次, 轮班; 轮流the turn of life1.■【医】(妇女的)绝经期, 更年期the turn of the century1.■一个世纪之末和下一个世纪之初; 世纪初, 世纪末the turn of the tide1.■形势的转变to a turn1.■刚好, 恰到好处2.■精确地, 尽善尽美to the turn of a hair1.■极其精确, 惟妙惟肖to the turn to a hair1.■极其精确, 惟妙惟肖walk a turn1.■来回地走走turn about1.■转向相反的方向, 掉转方向2.■轮流, 更替3.■反复思考turn against1.■(使)变成和...敌对2.■使(事情)对...不利turn and rend sb.1.■突然责骂某人turn and wind1.■(骑马者)把马头掉过来掉过去2.■任意支配(某人)turn around(=turn round)1.■转过去, 转身2.■改换意见; 改变宗旨; 采取新政策3.■(船只)下完乘客[卸完货]开船turn away1.■转过脸去, 背过脸去2.■把...打发走, 把...驱逐出去; 解雇3.■离开4.■避开, 防止turn back1.■转回去, 往回走2.■挡回, 使折回3.■(to)翻回书页; 回溯到4.■折转turndown[ˈtɜ:ndaʊn]1.■(使)折起来; (使)翻下来2.■调低, 关小(灯光)3.■拒绝, 摒弃; 驳回4.■转入(另一条路)5.■把纸牌面朝下摆着6.■(经济等)走下坡, 衰退turn forth1.■驱逐, 赶走turn in1.■拐进去; 转身进去2.■(使)向里弯曲3.■[口]交还; 上缴4.■[口]上床, 就寝5.■告发; 检举; 出卖6.■[口]抛弃, 放弃7.■作出, 取得turn in on oneself1.■与他人断绝来往; 闭关自守, 采取了孤立主义turn in upon oneself1.■与他人断绝来往; 闭关自守, 采取了孤立主义turn into1.■拐入, 进入2.■(使)变成, (使)成为turn it in1.■辞去工作; 放弃工作; 停止说(使人不愉快的事情)2.■(用于祈使句中)别搞了, 住嘴turn it up1.■辞去工作; 放弃工作; 停止说(使人不愉快的事情)2.■(用于祈使句中)别搞了, 住嘴turn of events1.■形势的变化turn of expression1.■表达方式, 措辞turn of mind1.■性情; 气质倾向, 才能turn of speech1.■口吻, 说法turn of speed1.■行速, 速力turn off1.■关(自来水、电灯、收音机等)2.■辞退, 解雇3.■(人)转入另一条路, 拐弯; 岔开(路)4.■岔开(话题等)5.■生产, 制造6.■(用车床)削掉, 车出7.■处理掉; 抛售8.■[俚]绞死9.■变质, 变酸, 坏掉10.■[口](使)沮丧, (使)不感兴趣11.■变成, 转为12.■[口]使成婚; 使嫁出turn on1.■拧开(自来水、电灯、收音机)2.■要看...而定, 以...为转移3.■反对, 攻击; 对...怀敌意4.■[口](使)感到兴趣; (使)兴奋激动5.■[美俚](使)服用麻醉品; (使)变得兴奋turn out1.■(使)向外弯曲2.■关上(自来水、电灯等)3.■生产, 制造; 培养出4.■驱逐(某人)出去; 解雇(某人)5.■翻转[出], 倒空6.■出动; 出席, 参加7.■[口]起床8.■证明是..., 结果是...; 发展为...9.■打扮, 装束; 装备10.■把(牛、羊等)赶出栏外放牧turn over1.■(使)翻过来; (使)翻倒, (使)打滚2.■交给, 移交3.■熟思, 再三考虑4.■营业额为..., 做(多少钱的)生意5.■周转6.■(货物等)大量卖出, 有销路7.■发动(机器等); 转动8.■翻阅(书刊)9.■把...接转到下一行10.■(胃)恶心; (心)乱跳turn to1.■指向, 转向2.■求取于, 依赖3.■变成; 结果成为4.■着手; 开始工作; 积极行动turn up1.■向上; 向上翻; 使朝上2.■开大; 扭亮(灯火等); 加快(速度等)3.■翻起, 翻掘4.■露面, 来到; 发生, 出现; (东西)被找到5.■发现, 找到6.■[口]使呕吐7.■结果是..., 证明是8.■[英]参考, 查阅; 寻找, 查9.■拐入, 转入; 转身登上10.■杀死11.■[英]放弃; 释放; 放松, 放掉12.■转速达到, 功率达到13.■【航海】(船)抢风转变航向turn upon1.■有赖, 取决于; 随...而定2.■突然攻击, 突然责骂; 对...翻脸 特殊用法ampere turns1.■安(培)匝(数)back turn1.■逆向匝, 反作用匝backstroke flip turn1.■仰泳滚翻转身binding turns1.■绑匝(绝缘子上绑线)choking turn1.■扼流圈clockwise turn1.■顺时针方向转动control turn1.■控制线匝counter-ampere turns1.■反安匝crawl flip turn1.■爬泳前滚翻转身cross over turn1.■压步转弯cross ampere turn1.■交磁安匝damping turn1.■阻尼线匝demagnetizing ampere turns1.■去磁安匝, 退磁安匝down turn1.■经济下降engine turn1.■机动雕刻fractional turn1.■分级转动front turn1.■向前转身full turn1.■转体handstand turn1.■倒立转体home turn1.■最后弯道hop turn1.■快转体horizontal turn1.■水平转身, 水磨式转身illegal turn1.■转身犯规jobber's turn1.■中间人的赢利, 赚头kick turn1.■踢腿转弯lateral turn1.■侧转身, 拉边转身left turn1.■左旋Maxwell turns1.■麦克斯韦匝multiple turn1.■多圈的, 多匝的; 多转的; 多螺线的negotiate a turn1.■拐弯道nonoperating ampere turn1.■不吸安匝operating ampere turn1.■工作安匝pivot turn1.■(仰泳)平转身procedure turn1.■程序转向programmed turn1.■程序转弯quarter turn1.■直角转弯quick turn1.■转身灵活release ampere turn1.■释放安匝reverse turn1.■反转right turn1.■右旋rotor turn1.■转子线匝rough turn1.■粗车round turn1.■(棉花交易所)买卖双方sea turn1.■海雾风series turn1.■串(联)绕(组)线圈sharp turn1.■急转弯standing kick turn1.■原踢腿转弯, 踢转standing turn with steps round the heel1.■原地踏步式转弯, 踏转stock turn1.■存货周转; (包括买进和卖出的)一次股票周转toll turn1.■[英]牲畜市场税triple turn1.■转体三周tumble turn1.■滚翻转身work and turn1.■全张翻版印(刷)turn of commodity1.■商品周转turn of the tide1.■(海)潮转换 参考词汇turn;rotate;revolve;spin;whirl;都含“转动"的意思。1.■turn系常用词, 指“绕着一个点转动", 如:The wheel turns.轮子转动。2.■rotate指“物体绕其中心点转动", 如:The earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.地球每24小时依其轴心自转一次。3.■revolve 可与 rotate互换, 指“环行转动或旋转", 如:The earth revolves around the sun.地球围绕着太阳转。4.■spin 指“持续旋转", 如:spin a top抽陀螺。5.■whirl 指“快速、持续地旋转", 如:The leaves whirled in the wind.树叶在风中飞舞。 |
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