

单词 trick
释义 tricktrick[trik]n.1.诡计, 欺骗, 骗术, 奸计; 谋略2.恶作剧; 卑鄙的手段; 轻率愚蠢行为3.习惯, 怪癖4.(贬意)秘诀, 窍门; 手腕, 手法; 技艺, 巧技5.戏法, 幻术6.舵手的一班 (通常为二小时); (值班时间的)一班; (雇员等的)出差, 公出7.[口]逗人的孩子; 俏姑娘8.[美俚]犯罪行为; 抢劫; 刑期9.(牌戏中各家所出牌集合而成的)一叠牌10.小玩意儿; 小物件eapose all the tricks of the enemy揭露敌人的一切阴谋诡计a double -dealing trick两面派手法a conjurer's tricks魔术家的戏法a mere trick of the light(魔术中)仅靠灯光造成的幻觉a night trick夜班a pretty little trick漂亮的少女Tom has the trick of frowning.汤姆有皱眉头的习惯。
词性变化trick[trik]vt.1.骗, 欺诈2.装饰, 打扮(off, out, up)She is tricked out in jewels.她打扮得珠光宝气。trick[trik]vi.1.骗人; 变戏法, 玩鬼把戏, 开玩笑, 戏弄(with)adj.1.有诀窍的, 特技的2.弄虚作假的; 欺诈的3.漂亮的, 能干的, 有效的; 潇洒的4.靠不住的5.(关节等)会突然支撑不住的trick photography特技摄影a trick shot(电影)特技镜头

继承用法tricker[ˈtrɪkə(r)]n.trickery[ˈtrɪkərɪ]n.1.欺骗, 诈欺; 奸计, 诡计, 手段, 圈套trickish[ˈtrɪkɪʃ]adj.1.欺骗的; 狡猾的; 诡计多端的

习惯用语confidence trick1.骗术, 先博取信用后骗取财物的骗局do [turn] the trick1.[俚]将困难工作做好; 达到预期目的get [learn] the trick of it1.学会诀窍, 知道做法hat trick1.用帽子变戏法2.巧妙的一着3.(在板球比赛中)一连击败三个球员know a trick worth two of that1.知道更好[更妙]的方法know the trick or two (=be up to a trick or two)1.相当机灵, 精明monkey tricks1.[口]恶作剧never [not] miss a trick1.什么事都看在眼里; 从不错过时机; 十分机灵精明None of your tricks !1.别耍花招!parlour tricks1.(在宴会上等)表演余兴的才能play a trick on a sb.1.诈骗某人; 开某人玩笑play sb. a dirty trick1.对某人耍卑鄙手段take [win] a trick1.赢一圈牌take [stand] one's trick1.值班, 轮班trick of the imagination1.错觉trick or treat!1.不请客就捣乱(万圣节前夕孩子们挨户要礼物的用语)trick out [up]1.打扮, 装饰, 修饰tricks of forture1.命运的恶作剧tricks of the trade1.某门生意或职业的诀窍trick sb. into [out of]1.骗人去...[骗取 ...]




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