

单词 Pushkinologist




Pushkinologist (plural Pushkinologists)

  1. One who studies Alexander Pushkin.
    • 1969 June 8, Richard Freedman, “A hot-headed Russian genius”, in Chicago Tribune, 122d year, number 159, Chicago, Ill., page 10:
      The two classic accounts in English, by Prince D. S. Mirsky and Ernest Simmons, are a generation old, and great advances in Pushkin research have been made since them by Soviet Pushkinologists.
    • 1971 February 28, Richard Freedman, “Exile, death, immortality”, in Chicago Tribune, page 4:
      Although the name of his beloved has not come down to us, Pushkin later took pains to keep his amours in some sort of order (the classicist in him) in his famous “Don Juan lists,” those sources of unending speculation among Pushkinologists, in which he carefully but cryptically tabulated his hits, runs and errors among all the Dashas, Mashas and Dunyashas of romantic Russia.
    • 1987, Susan Brownsberger, transl., Pushkin House, New York, N.Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, translation of original by Andrei Bitov, pages 354 and 369:
      Men ponder God, Pushkinologists Pushkin. [] Pushkinologists and the general Russian literary public argued for years about Nathalie’s fidelity;
    • 1992, Marinus Antony Wes, “Aere perennius: Alexander Pushkin”, in Classics in Russia 1700-1855: Between Two Bronze Horsemen (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History; volume 33), E.J. Brill, →ISBN, ISSN 0920-8607, page 159:
      It is a favourite pastime of “Pushkinologists” to puzzle over the real life identity of characters in Pushkin’s poems, especially in Evgeny Onegin.
    • 2001, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, volume twenty-one, second edition, page 405:
      Rimsky-Korsakov’s persistence in operatic composition was eventually rewarded by the emergence of an ideal librettist, Vladimir Bel’sky, who was delighted by Rimsky-Korsakov’s music, in tune with contemporary trends and able to produce consummate literary pastiches – his imitations of Pushkin, contemporaries witnessed, even fooled the Pushkinologists.




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