trench-filler plough
plough: trench-filler plough
商业术语 trade terms;
商业机器 business machine;
商业机构 bureau; business organization; commercial undertaking;
商业机械 commercial machine;
商业汇价 merchant rate;
商业汇票 trade bill; commercial draft; commercial bill;
商业波动 business fluctuation;
商业注册 commercial registration;
商业流动资金 commercial circulating funds;
商业渔获量 commercial catch;
商业照明 commercial lighting;
商业特权 special commercial privileges;
商业环境 business environment;
商业理财 trade financing;
商业电脑 commercial computer; business computer;
商业电视 commercial [sponsored] television;
商业界 trade;
商业石油库 depots for commercial oil;
商业票据 commercial paper; commercial bill; mercantile paper; mercantile bill; trade bill; trade paper;
商业税 business tax;
商业竞争 commercial competition;
商业管理 business administration;
商业簿记 business accounting;
商业精神 commercialism;
商业系统企业会计 accounting for shop under the system of state commerce;
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