

单词 Pudong


See also: pudong, pūdòng, and Pǔdōng


Pudong New Area in Shanghai

Alternative forms

  • (obsolete) Pootung, P'u-tung


The atonal Hanyu Pinyin romanization of the Mandarin pronunciation of Chinese 浦東浦东 (Pǔdōng, literally East Bank), derived from its position east of the Huangpu River.

Proper noun


  1. A new area in Shanghai, China.
    • 2007, Zhang, Xuebing, “Foreword”, in Shanghai Pudong, →ISBN, OCLC 189260334, page ix:
      Pudong is an important district of Shanghai. Over the past decade, it has made resounding achievements with its speedy economic development, which has in turn promoted the development of Shanghai as a whole and established its own position and image. Former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin praised Pudong as “an epitome of Shanghai’s modernization drive and a symbol of Chinas reform and opening-up.” As the Chief of Pudong New Area, I can proudly say that Pudong deserves such praise.
    • 2021 July 15, Shen, Samuel; Emily Chow, “China to crack down on use of leanness enhancers in cattle and sheep”, in Alistair Bell, editor, Reuters, archived from the original on 15 July 2021:
      China will support the development of offshore yuan trading in Shanghai, and will explore yuan futures trading, as part of efforts to further reform and open up the city’s Pudong New Area, according to guidelines published on Thursday by China’s State Council, or cabinet.[...]
      China will also help Pudong become a high-tech hub, with a focus on areas such as semiconductor, life science and artificial intelligence (AI).


See also

  • Puxi




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