

单词 proposal




propose + -al


  • (General American) IPA(key): /pɹəˈpoʊzəl/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /pɹəˈpəʊzəl/
  • (file)


proposal (plural proposals)

  1. Something which is proposed, or offered for consideration or acceptance
    1. A scheme or design
      proposals for the construction of a new building
    2. The terms or conditions proposed
      to make proposals for a treaty of peace
      • 1880, Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad Chapter VIII
        "That's about the size of it," I said. "Now, if it is a fair question, what was your side proposing to shed?" / I had him, there. He saw he had made a blunder, so he hastened to explain it away. He said he had spoken jestingly. Then he added that he and his principal would enjoy axes, and indeed prefer them, but such weapons were barred by the French code, and so I must change my proposal.
    3. The document on which such a thing is written.
      • December 22 2016, Simon Parkin in the Irish Times Basement idea to blockbuster: The story of Fifa, the video game
        Lewis, who had been sent to London to set up EA's European office, wrote a proposal for a lavish, high-tech football...
    4. The act of asking someone to be one's spouse; an offer of marriage
      • October 25 2013, Guardian Express Kim Kardashian Says a Prenup Is the Only Way to Marry
        Kanye may have been love stricken when Kim accepted his proposal to marry him but Kim has always supported the idea of a prenup.
      • 1922, P. G. Wodehouse, Three Men and a Maid Chapter 4
        You could open his collected works almost anywhere and shut your eyes and dab down your finger on some red-hot passage. A proposal of marriage is a thing which it is rather difficult to bring neatly into the ordinary run of conversation. It wants leading up to.
      • 1854, Charles Dickens, “Chapter XV”, in Hard Times. For These Times, London: Bradbury & Evans, [], OCLC 4389957:
        ‘Louisa, my dear, you are the subject of a proposal of marriage that has been made to me.’ Again he waited, and again she answered not one word. This so far surprised him, as to induce him gently to repeat, ‘a proposal of marriage, my dear.’ To which she returned, without any visible emotion whatever:
    5. (law) The offer by a party of what he has in view as to an intended business transaction, which, with acceptance, constitutes a contract.


  • proffer
  • tender
  • overture

Derived terms

  • proposition






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