

单词 pronoun demonstrative

pronoun demonstrative



pronoun demonstrative (plural pronouns demonstrative)

  1. (grammar) Alternative form of demonstrative pronoun
    • 1779, Lewis Chambaud, A Grammar of the French Tongue, with a Prefatory Discourse, Containing an Essay On the Proper Method for Teaching and Learning that Language. The Seventh Edition, Revised and Corrected, London, p.122:
      Of Pronouns Demonstrative, which are, ce, cet, cette, ces, || ceci, cela, || celui, cèlle, ceûx, cèlles, || celui-ci, cèlle-ci, ceûx-ci, cèlles-ci, || celui-là, cella-là, ceûx-la, cèlles-la, || ce que, ce qui.
    • 1800, N. Wanostrocht, A grammar of the French language, with pracitcal exercises. The seventh edition: With considerable additions and improvements., London, p.55 and p.70:
      There are seven sorts of Pronouns: [...] 4. Les Pronoms démonstratifs, Pronouns demonstrative. [...]
      Of Pronouns Demonstrative. These pronouns are called demonstrative, because they distinguish, in a precise manner, the person or things to which they are applied.
    • 1805, F. Bottarelli, The New Italian, English and French Pocket-Dictionary. Vol. I. Containing the Italian before the English and the French., London, p. xvii:
      Pronouns demonstrative, this, that, these, are so called, as they serve to show or demonstrate any person, or the thing spoken of;
    • 1827, A Short Latin Grammar: Forming Part of a Popular System of Classical Instruction, on the plan recommended by Mr. Locke, London, published for John Taylor, by James Duncan, p.63:
      These pronouns demonstrative, hic, iste, ille, are distinguished thus: hic points to the nearest to me; iste to him who is by you; ille to him who is distant from both of us: When hic and ille are referred to two things or persons placed before; hic is generally referred to the latter, ille to the former:
    • 1827, Signor Veneroni & A. Ronna, The Complete Italian Master: Containing the best and easiest rules for attaining that language. To which are added, an introduction to Italian versification; extracts from the Italian poets; &c. &c. The whole properly accented, to facilitate the pronunciation of learners. A new edition, carefully revised, corrected, and improved, London, p.70:
      Of Pronouns Demonstrative. The pronouns demonstrative are as follow: This, that, these, tose. They are called pronouns demonstrative, because they serve to point out or demonstrate any thing or person: as, this book, that man, that woman, &c.
    • 1840, D. Boileau, The Nature and Genius of the German Language Displayed, in a more extended review of its grammatical forms than is to be found in any grammar extant; and elucidated by quotations from the best writers. New edition., London, p.64:
      On the Pronouns Demonstrative, Relative, and Interrogative. The pronouns demonstrative are in German Dieser, diese, diesz, or dieses, This; and Jener, jene, jenes, That.


  • demonstrative pronoun, demonstrative-pronoun




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