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(神话中的仙桃) peach of immortality in Chinese mythology
(神话指由织女星变的仙女) the Girl Weaver in the legend “The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver”
(祭品) sacrificial offerings
(祭奠仪式) memorial ceremony
(祷告的话) prayers at sacrificial rites in ancient times
(禁不住; 受不住) cannot sustain (the weight); cannot stand (the pressure); cannot stand up against:
(离奇古怪) eccentric and wild
(离家远行) leave home; be away from home; go on a journey:
(离开原来所在的地方) move to another place
(离开原来的处所, 另有所图) change one's job; abandon one occupation in favour of another; job-hopping; job-hop
(离职前把所管的事、物交给接手的人) deliver into sb.'s custody; hand over one's job to a successor:
(离题) diverge to (another topic); change (the subject of conversation):
(私下说的话) confidence
(私下里商量) give secret counsel; goad secretly
(私自动用) misappropriate; embezzle:
(秋季气候) autumn weather
(种子发芽出土) break through the soil
(租用物品的人) hirer
(秦以前的字体) Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.)
(积累下的亏欠) outstanding debts; arrears:
(积累的)最低线 minimum rate of accumulation;
(积累的)最高线 ceiling for accumulation; maximum rate of accumulation;
(称别人的母亲或称自己的母亲或婆婆) your (my, his, etc.) mother; my mother-in-law
(称别人的父亲或称自己的父亲或公公) your (my, his, etc.) father; my father-in-law
(称同学中年长才高者) way of address for one's older classmates
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