tie-rod stator frame
frame: tie-rod stator frame
企业群体 group [association] of enterprises; enterprise group;
企业联合 business combination;
企业背景 business background;
企业自主权 the power of decision of enterprises;
企业自决权 right of self-decision of the enterprise;
企业自有资金 funds at the disposal of enterprises; enterprise's own resources;
企业自治 enterprise autonomy;
企业行政领导人员 administrators of an enterprise;
企业诊断 enterprise diagnosis;
企业财务 business finance;
企业责任 business accountability;
企业资本账户 firm capital account;
企业集团 business conglomerate; consortium; enterprise groups [association]; group [association] of enterprises; conglomeration;
企业顾问 business consultant;
企业预测 business forecast;
企业领导体制 enterprise leadership (system); system of enterprise leadership;
企口刨 rebated plane;
企口地板grooved and tongued floor;
企口开槽刨 match planes; matching planes {木};
企口接口 fillet and grooved joint;
企口接合 match joint; rebated joint; grooved and tongued joint; tongue-and-groove joint;
企口接缝 T and G joint;
企口板 matched boards; tongue-and-groove board;
企口板桩 grooved pile;
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