

单词 print


See also: prinț


A dot matrix printer.


From Middle English *printen, prenten, preenten, an apheretic form of emprinten, enprinten (to impress; imprint) (see imprint). Compare Dutch prenten (to imprint), Middle Low German prenten (to print; write), Danish prente (to print), Swedish prenta (to write German letters). Compare also Late Old French printer, preindre (to press), from Latin premere (to press).


  • enPR: prĭnt, IPA(key): /pɹɪnt/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɪnt


print (not comparable)

  1. Of, relating to, or writing for printed publications.
    a print edition of a book


print (third-person singular simple present prints, present participle printing, simple past and past participle printed)

  1. (transitive) To produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine; often used with out or off: print out, print off.
    Print the draft double-spaced so we can mark changes between the lines.
  2. To produce a microchip (an integrated circuit) in a process resembling the printing of an image.
    The circuitry is printed onto the semiconductor surface.
  3. (transitive, intransitive) To write very clearly, especially, to write without connecting the letters as in cursive.
    Print your name here and sign below.
    I'm only in grade 2, so I only know how to print.
  4. (transitive, intransitive) To publish in a book, newspaper, etc.
    How could they print an unfounded rumour like that?
    • 1716, Alexander Pope, The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Preface:
      From the moment he prints, he must expect to hear no more truth.
  5. (transitive) To stamp or impress (something) with coloured figures or patterns.
    to print calico
  6. (transitive) To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc., into or upon something.
    • circa 1547?, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Description of the Fickel Affections, Pangs, and Slights of Love:
      A look will print a thought that never may remove.
    • 1629, Sir John Beaumont, Bosworth Field:
      Upon his breastplate he beholds a dint, / Which in that field young Edward's sword did print.
    • 1701, Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscommon, Silenus:
      some footsteps printed in the clay
  7. (transitive) To stamp something in or upon; to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure.
    • 1697, Virgil, “Palamon and Arcite”, in John Dryden, transl., The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], OCLC 403869432:
      Forth on his fiery steed betimes he rode, / That scarcely prints the turf on which he trod.
  8. (computing, transitive) To display a string on the terminal.
    • 2010, Chuck Easttom, Advanced JavaScript, Jones & Bartlett Learning, →ISBN, page 217:
      However, when you print the string you can see only 11 characters (c, a, r, ', s,, w, h, e, e, l).
    • 2015, Othmar Kyas, How To Smart Home: A Step by Step Guide to Your Personal Internet of Things, Key Concept Press, →ISBN:
      On the RHS side we write the current date to the variable date and print it to the terminal window, followed by the string "Chris coming home...." .
  9. (finance, transitive, intransitive) To produce an observable value.
    On March 16, 2020, the S&Pprinted at 2,386.13, one of the worst drops in history.
  10. (transitive) To fingerprint (a person).
    • 1998, Eric Lustbader, Pale Saint (page 24)
      Maybe we'll get lucky; maybe he was printed for some minor infraction in some backwater town.


Derived terms

  • printability
  • printable
  • printableness
  • printbound
  • print-disabled
  • printed circuit board
  • printed matter
  • printer
  • printeress
  • printery
  • print-friendly
  • printhead
  • print in
  • printing form
  • printing form
  • printing frame
  • printing house
  • printing ink
  • printing press
  • printing press
  • printing roll
  • printing shop
  • printless
  • printlessness
  • print money
  • print off
  • print on demand
  • printout
  • print out
  • printress
  • print run
  • Print Screen
  • print server
  • print up
  • printwheel



print (countable and uncountable, plural prints)

  1. (uncountable) Books and other material created by printing presses, considered collectively or as a medium.
    Three citations are required for each meaning, including one in print.
    TV and the Internet haven't killed print.
  2. (uncountable) Clear handwriting, especially, writing without connected letters as in cursive.
    Write in print using block letters.
  3. (uncountable) The letters forming the text of a document.
    The print is too small for me to read.
  4. (countable) A newspaper.
    • 1978, Philip Larkin, The Winter Palace:
      I spent my second quarter-century
      Losing what I had learnt at university
      And refusing to take in what had happened since.
      Now I know none of the names in the public prints []
  5. A visible impression on a surface.
    Using a crayon, the girl made a print of the leaf under the page.
  6. A fingerprint.
    Did the police find any prints at the scene?
  7. A footprint.
  8. (visual art) A picture that was created in multiple copies by printing.
  9. (photography) A photograph that has been printed onto paper from the negative.
  10. (film) A copy of a film that can be projected.
  11. Cloth that has had a pattern of dye printed onto it.
    • 1838 (date written), L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], “(please specify the page)”, in Lady Anne Granard; or, Keeping up Appearances. [], volume I, London: Henry Colburn, [], published 1842, OCLC 1000392275, pages 20–21:
      The poor are very unreasonable; a kind look and word often go farther in winning upon their affection than even a piece of coarse flannel, or a remnant of dark print.
  12. (architecture) A plaster cast in bas relief.


  • (a printed work): imprintery (obsolete)


  • (writing without connected letters): cursive

Derived terms

  • fine print
  • fingerprint
  • footprint
  • hoofprint
  • in print
  • newsprint
  • out of print
  • pawprint
  • printlike
  • printmaker
  • printmaking
  • print media
  • printout
  • printseller
  • printworker
  • printworks
  • printworthiness
  • printworthy
  • small print
  • thumbprint


The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.

Further reading

  • Print on Wikipedia.Wikipedia



Borrowed from English print.



  1. To print; to print out or off; to produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine.



From English print.


  • Cantonese (Jyutping): pin1

  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou)+
      • Jyutping: pin1
      • Yale: pīn
      • Cantonese Pinyin: pin1
      • Guangdong Romanization: pin1
      • Sinological IPA (key): /pʰiːn⁵⁵/



  1. (Hong Kong Cantonese) to print with a printer or a photocopier

See also

  • printer



  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɪnt



  1. first-, second- and third-person singular present indicative of printen
  2. imperative of printen



Probably from English Print Screen.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /ˈpɾĩ.t(ʃ)(i)/


print m (plural prints)

  1. (Internet slang, nonstandard) screenshot
    Synonyms: captura de ecrã, captura de tela, screenshot, Print Screen
  • printar



From English print.


print n (plural printuri)

  1. print




Borrowed from English print.


print m (Cyrillic spelling принт)

  1. Output of a computer printer.

Derived terms

  • prȉntati




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