

单词 princeb


Old Spanish

Alternative forms

  • princep
  • principe


From Latin prīnceps (leader, chief).


  • IPA(key): [ˈpɾĩn.t͡seβ]


princeb m (plural princebs)

  1. captain, commander
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 59v.
      e pues uino nabuzardan qui era princeb de la caualleria e de nabucodonosor el reẏ de babilonia. e ueno en ih́rĺm e ardio las caſas del criador ela caſa del reẏ e todas las cſsas cabdales de ih́rĺm quemolas en fuego
      And then came Nebuzardan, who was captain of the guard and of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. And he entered Jerusalem and burned the Houses of the Creator and the king's palace, and all the important houses of Jerusalem he set on fire.
  2. ruler
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 56v.
      [] e clamolos aſemblant de los prícebs de ſodoma el pueblo de gomorra. e dixo non adugades mas ſacrificios de uanidad uŕos encéſos uŕos cabos de lunes e uŕos ſabbados q́ clamades nó los entendrá có ſo coraçó []
      [] and he convened the assembly of the rulers of Sodom and the city of Gomorrah, and he said, “Offer no more sacrifices in vanity; your incenses, your new moons and the Sabbaths you convene you will not understand with your heart []
  • primo
  • primogenito




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