

单词 prieks


See also: priekš and priekš-


Alternative forms

  • prieka (archaic)
  • prieca (dialectal)


Usually derived from Proto-Baltic *prie (with an extra suffix -k), from a form *prēi- of Proto-Indo-European *prāi-, *prəi-, *pri- (to admire, to respect; satisfied, happy mood). From this stem, cognates are derived (with different extra suffixes) in other languages, among which: Russian прия́тель (prijátelʹ, friend), archaic прия́ть (prijátʹ, to relate favorably, positively), Gothic 𐍆𐍂𐌹𐌾𐍉𐌽 (frijōn, to love) (compare Dutch vrijen (to cuddle, to kiss, to have sex)), 𐍆𐍂𐌹𐌾𐍉𐌽𐌳𐍃 (frijōnds, friend) (compare German Freund, Dutch vriend, English friend), Sanskrit प्रीणाति (prīṇā́ti, to like, to love, to be kind to) (< stem *pri-), प्रितः (pritáḥ, happy, delighted; well-groomed). But note that *prēi- is not an expected ablaut form of *prāi-, which casts doubt on this etymology. Another possibility is to derive prieks from Proto-Baltic *priek-, from *prei- (with an extra -k), from Proto-Indo-European *per-, *spʰer- (to pull, to throw, to kick); the derived form *prew- of this stem yielded Russian прыгать (prygatʹ, to jump), Dutch vreugde, German Freude (joy).[1]


  • IPA(key): [pɾiɛ̂ks]


prieks m (1st declension)

  1. (only singular) joy, delight (intense positive emotional state, elevated cheerfulness)
    ceļošanas, darba prieksthe joy of traveling, of work
    svētku prieksfestive (lit. holiday) joy
    prieks par labu grāmatuthe joy, pleasure of a good book
    prieks satikties ar draugiemthe pleasure of meeting (one's) friends
    bezgalīgs prieksinfinite joy
    prieka asarastears of joy
    izjust priekuto feel joy
    smieties aiz priekato laugh of, with joy
    strādāt par prieku sev un citiemto work to please (lit. for the pleasure, joy of) oneself and others
    prieks un sāpes: tie jau ir tikai emociju pretpolipleasure and pain: these are only emotionial opposites
    vai tu neesi aizmirsis to prieku, kāds sirdī ir vienīgi bērnībā un pavasarī?haven't you forgotten that joy which is in the heart only in childhood, and in spring?
  2. (typically plural) joy, pleasure (events, circumstances, etc. which causes such positive emotional states)
    pāris nedēļu pagāja vienos priekos: izlaiduma balle, izlaiduma ekskursijaa couple of weeks went by only in joys, pleasures: the graduation ball, the graduation trip
  3. (in the locative; as an interjection) cheers! (toast when drinking)



  • bauda
  • laime


  • bēdas, bēdīgums
  • drūmums
  • nomāktība
  • skumjas, skumjums, skumība, skumīgums
  • sērs, sērums, sērība, sērīgums

Derived terms

  • dzīvesprieks, dzīvespriecīgs
  • priecīgs
  • vaļasprieks, vaļas prieks


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), prieks”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN




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