Bertrand's postulate
postulate: Bertrand's postulate
(推动) prompt; urge; spur on:
(推卸责任) pass the buck; kick sth. back and forth like a ball; shift responsibility onto others:
(推翻) repudiate; cancel; reverse:
(推荐信) letter of recommendation; reference
(推荐或任用跟自己有关系的人) recommend or appoint one's friends or favourites
(掩护坏人的场所) a hideout for evildoers
(掩护坏思想的事物) a cover for wrong thoughts
(掸灰) beat clothing to remove dust; remove dust with a towel, duster, etc.
(描写) portray:
(描述) describe:
(提供好的经验或意见) offer a valuable piece of advice or one's valuable experience
(提出的主张) proposal; motion
(提到的事或人家刚说完的话) sth. just said [mentioned]:
(提升) promote
(提高指标) raise the quota:
(提高赌注) raise the stakes in gambling
(插曲; 穿插在大事件中的小故事) digression; episode
(插枝)transplant a cutting
(插足) step in (to gain an advantage)
(揣度) conjecture; guess:
(揭露) expose; bring to light:
(搀杂进去) mix; mingle
(搜寻招致) enlist the services of:
(搪塞) prevaricate; equivocate
(搬家) move (house)
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