

单词 thrash
释义 thrashthrash[θræʃ]vt.1.使脱粒, 打(谷)2.(用棍, 鞭)痛打; 捶击3.[美口]打败, 胜过4.反复进行; 仔细研究, 推敲, 研讨5.【航海】逆风破浪前进, 使(船)逆流而上6.猛烈摆动thrash wheat打麦He thrashed the boy soundly.他痛打了那男孩。They thrashed the matter without reaching a conclusion.他们对这件事进行了反复研讨还没得出结论。The whale thrashed the water with its tail.鲸鱼用尾巴猛烈地打水。
词性变化thrash[θræʃ]vi.1.打谷; 打, 击2.翻来复去; 东撞西碰; 手臂乱挥3.猛烈移动; 猛烈动荡4.(船)迎风破浪前进thrash in bed with fever发烧在床上翻来覆去children thrashing about in water在水中扑打的孩子们thrash[θræʃ]n.1.鞭打; 击败2.【航海】逆行3.(自由式游泳中用手, 脚)打水

习惯用语thrash out1.通过讨论解决问题thrash over1.反复讨论以便找到解决办法; 再三精细检查thrash up1.彻底讨论




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