

单词 portarsi dietro

portarsi dietro



Literally, to take along oneself.


portàrsi dietro (first-person singular present mi pòrto dietro, first-person singular past historic mi portài dietro, past participle portàto dietro)

  1. (transitive) to take (something) with one; to bring along
    • 2020 October 26, Federico Rampini, “Americani popolo di consumatori: chi risparmia deprime la crescita [Americans population of consumers: who saves deprives [economic] growth]”, in la Repubblica:
      Degli italiani, per esempio, si disse a lungo che si portavano dietro una "cultura contadina", avversione al rischio e quindi ai debiti; nonché un'etica familistica per cui ogni genitore vuole lasciare qualcosa ai figli.
      Of the Italians, for example, it had long been said that they brought along a "peasant culture", aversion to risk and therefore to debts; as well as a family ethic in which every parent wants to leave something to their children.

Usage notes

  • dietro has the colloquial meaning of "with oneself; along." When used in this construction, however, it does not carry this informal register.[1]


  1. https://dizionaripiu.zanichelli.it/lingua-e-scuola/posta-del-professore/16740/




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