

单词 platformful




platform + -ful


platformful (plural platformfuls)

  1. The amount that is on a platform.
    • 1895, H. G. Wells, The Argonauts of the Air:
      They had been a thousand feet above Coombe and Malden station; fifty seconds after they whizzed, at a frightful pace, not eighty feet above the East Putney station, on the Metropolitan District line, to the screaming astonishment of a platformful of people.
    • 1941, Rutgers Alumni Monthly - Volume 20, Issue 8, page 7:
      Using a platformful of equipment specially built for his use by the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Dr. Perrine set up long-line circuits, used transmitted vibrations of tuning forks to demonstrate pitch and frequency characteristics, and illustrated .how various frequency oscillations make music, words, and pure sounds.
    • 1993, Gāmini Salgādo, The True Paradise, page 79:
      Though the scramble of Thomians alighted a platformful of clerks was waiting to got on, so I didn't even try for a seat.




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