

单词 pitterpatter


See also: pitter-patter



pitterpatter (plural pitterpatters)

  1. (rare) Alternative form of pitter-patter
    • 1998, "Jean "The Fist" Ross", Re: what are you listening to?, in alt.punk, Usenet:
      I'm currently listening to the pitterpatter of peoples'[sic] fingers on keys in the compu lab, and some people arguing with the guys who dole out the printing passes.
    • 2009, Tom Holt, Nothing But Blue Skies:
      'You hear that?' Gordon was saying. 'That distant pitterpatter, like tapdancing angels? That's rain, that is. My rain. My fault. You know why it's my fault?'
    • 2010, Carole Mortimer, Jane Porter, Catherine George, Mills & Boon Christmas Trio Bundle #1:
      And how absurd was it that, despite all that had transpired in the last half hour, her heart raced in pitterpatters because Mr. William Q. White had actually started a conversation with her?




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