straddle type rod
rod: straddle type rod
(一种民间说唱艺术) a genre of folk entertainment consisting of talking and singing
(一种球类运动) table tennis; ping-pong
(一种象徵吉祥的器物)ruyi, an S-shaped ornamental object, usu. made of jade, formerly a symbol of good luck
(一种酒) bamboo-leaf-green liqueur, a pale green Fen (汾) liquor or a light yellow Shaoxing (绍兴) wine
(一端) (工具, 武器等) end:
(一篇接一篇) one article after another; a multitude of articles
(一起工作的人) fellow worker
(一起) go the same way; take the same route:
(一阵) a spell; a fit:
(一面... 一面) along with sth. else:
(丈夫的父亲) husband's father; father-in-law
(丈夫称妻子) my old woman
(丈夫) husband
(上下滚动) seethe; rise; surge; churn:
(上下飞机的梯子) ramp
(上代就有交情的人或人家) old family friends
(上司) superior; boss
(上帝意志的表现)manifestation of God's will; good or ill omen
(上级) the higher authorities; the higher-ups:
(上)牙槽中点 prosthion; alveolar point; prostheon
(下大雪的) snowing hard
(下毒药) put in poison
(下病床) leave a sickbed:
(下级) men at the lower levels; the lower level; subordinate:
(下级) subordinate
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