

单词 pasīvs




Borrowed from Latin passivus, probably via some other European language, adapted to fit Latvian patterns ( + -īvs).


pasīvs m (1st declension)

  1. (economics) liabilities (debts, taxes, interest and other money that a company has to pay; part of a budget that lists them)
    ir sava grāmatvedība, kur sakrājas visi pasīvi un aktīvi(it) has its own accounting, in which are gathered all liabilities and assets
  2. (grammar) passive voice



  • (of "passive voice"): ciešamā kārta


pasīvs (definite pasīvais, comparative pasīvāks, superlative vispasīvākais, adverb pasīvi)

  1. passive (which, who does not work or behave lively, intensively, energetically)
    pasīvs cilvēkspassive person
    pasīvs darbiniekspassive employee
    tikai Annele bija klusa un pasīvaonly Anele was quiet and passive
  2. passive (which happens slowly, weakly; to which things happen slowly, weakly)
    pasīva reakcijapassive reaction
    turpretī Aristotelim matērija ir pasīvain contrast, to Aristotle matter is passive
  3. passive (which is not working, not ready to work, react, move)
    pasīvais vārdu krājumspassive vocabulary
    pasīvā imunitātepassive immunity
    pasīvais vulkānspassive volcano
  4. passive (which expresses or reveals inactive, slow action)
    pasīvā atpūtapassive rest (i.e., sleep)
    pasīvais vēlēšanu tiesībaspassive electoral rights (i.e., the right to be elected)
    kāda ir jūsu attieksme pret tagadējo laiku: pasīva vai aktīva?what is your attitude to the present time: passive or active?
  5. (physics, chemistry, biology) passive (which cannot react or work, which cannot have effects)
    pasīvs savienojumspassive connection, bond
    pasīva vielapassive substance
    pasīvais ūdenspassive water
    pasīvā antenapassive antenna
    fizioloģiski pasīvsphysiologically passive
  6. (of tastes) passive (a little poignant, peppery)
    pasīvs rutkspassive raddish
    pasīva garšapassive taste






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