

单词 palabra




Borrowed from Spanish palabra (word). Doublet of parable.


  • IPA(key): /pəˈlɑːbɹə/, /pəˈlæbɹə/


palabra (plural palabras)

  1. (poetic, rare) A word; idle talk.
    (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:)
    • 1598–1599 (first performance), William Shakespeare, “Much Adoe about Nothing”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, (please specify the act number in uppercase Roman numerals, and the scene number in lowercase Roman numerals):
      Comparisons are odorous: palabras, neighbor Verges.
  • palaver
  • parable
  • parabola
  • parlare (Italian, casual talk)
  • Polari (homosexual slang, urban English)


  • OED 2nd edition 1989



palabra f (plural palabres)

  1. Alternative form of pallabra



Borrowed from Spanish palabra, from Old Spanish parabla, from Latin parabola, from Ancient Greek παραβολή (parabolḗ, comparison; parable). Doublet of parábola.



  1. word (unit of speech or writing)



From Old Portuguese palavra, with hyperthesis from earlier paravla, from Late Latin parabola (comparison; later, speech), from Ancient Greek παραβολή (parabolḗ, comparison; parable).


  • IPA(key): /paˈlabɾa/


palabra f (plural palabras)

  1. word
    • 2000, Domingo Frades Gaspar, Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala, Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme I, Chapter 3: Radós:
      A radón mais grandi pa defendela é que é nossa LENGUA MATERNA, a “primeira lengua que un indivíduu aprendi de maneira ínnconscienti duranti a sua infancia” i en ela han aprindiu a idel as primeiras palabras []
      The greatest reason to defend it is that it is our NATIVE LANGUAGE, the “first language that an individual learns in an unconscious manner during his infancy” and in it learned how to say his first words []


  • Valeš, Miroslav (2021) Diccionariu de A Fala: lagarteiru, mañegu, valverdeñu [Fala Dictionary], CIDLeS, →ISBN, page 213



  • (file)
  • Homophones: palabras, palabrât



  1. third-person singular past historic of palabrer


Alternative forms

  • palavra (Reintegrationist)


From Old Galician and Old Portuguese palavra, with hyperthesis from earlier paravla, from Late Latin, from Latin parabola (comparison; later, speech), from Ancient Greek παραβολή (parabolḗ, comparison; parable). Doublet of parábola and parola.


  • IPA(key): /paˈlaβ̞ɾɐ/


palabra f (plural palabras)

  1. word
    Synonyms: verba, vocábulo, voz
  2. promise
    • 1375, A. López Ferreiro (ed.), Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática. Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page 381:
      mando que paguem a gomez ballo quanto el diser por sua palaura sem juramento quelle deuo
      I order that they should pay Gómez Ballo whatever he say by his word that I owe him, no oath needed

See also

  • termo


  • palavra” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006–2022.
  • palaura” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006–2018.
  • palabra” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
  • palabra” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
  • palabra” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.

Old Spanish

Alternative forms

  • parabla, paravla


From Late Latin parabola, from Latin parabola (comaparison), from Ancient Greek παραβολή (parabolḗ, comparison, parable).


  • IPA(key): /paˈlaβɾa/


palabra f (plural palabras)

  1. word
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 54r.
      [] ora alcriador e quiçab oẏra al nŕo ſennor las palabras e el orgul de rabceſſe q́ lo trametio el reẏ de ſur ſo ſeńor por de noſtar al dios uiuo.
      [] Pray to the Creator and perhaps Our Lord will hear the words and pride of Rabshakeh, whom the king of the south, his master, sent to defy the Living God.”
  2. word, promise
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 49r.
      apparecios el nŕo ſeńor aſalomon e dixol eſta caſa q́ tu fraguas ſi andares en mẏos fueros e en mios iudicios e ficieres mẏos comendamientos. afirmare mi palabra contigo como fable a dd´ to padre
      Our Lord appeared to Solomon and said to him, “[As for] this house you are building; should you follow my statutes and ordinances and carry out my commandments, I will uphold with you my promise, [the one] I spoke to your father David.”
  3. story, rumor, account
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 54r.
      dixo ẏſaẏas a los menſageros q́l embio el reẏ ezechias aſſi dizredes al nŕo ſennor q́ diz el criador Nó temas delas menazas q́ oiſt de los uaſſallos del reẏ de ſur. Afe yo trametre uiéto ¬ oyra tal palabra. por q́stornara aſu tŕa ¬ ẏl fara morir aeſpada.
      Isaiah said the messengers sent to him by king Hezekiah, “You will tell our master that thus says the Creator, ‘Do not fear the threats you have heard from the servants of the king of the south. Lo, I will send wind and he will hear a rumor such that he will return to his land, and there he will be made to die by the sword.’”


  • (promise): promessa f


  • Ladino: palavra / פאלאברה
  • Spanish: palabra
    • English: palabra
    • French: palabre
    • Greek: παλάβρα (palávra)
      • Turkish: palavra
        • Romanian: palavră
    • Papiamentu: palabra
    • Tagalog: palabra



From Spanish palabra.



  1. word


  • Hassell, E. A. L. (1953) Dictionary English Papiamentu - Papiamentu English, San Nicolas: Lago Oil and Transport Co., page 107



Hyperthetic form of Old Spanish parabla, from Late Latin, from Latin parabola (comparison; later, speech), from Ancient Greek παραβολή (parabolḗ, comparison; parable). Doublet of parábola, a borrowing. Compare English parley, palaver, parable and parole.


  • IPA(key): /paˈlabɾa/ [paˈla.β̞ɾa]
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -abɾa
  • Syllabification: pa‧la‧bra


palabra f (plural palabras)

  1. word
    las palabras de amorthe words of love
  2. wording
  3. word (promise)
    te doy mi palabraI give you my word


  • palabra clave
  • palabra compuesta
  • palabra mágica

Derived terms

  • a buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan
  • al pie de la palabra
  • apalabrar
  • a palabras necias, oídos sordos
  • buenas palabras
  • dar la palabra
  • de palabra
  • de pocas palabras
  • Diez Palabras
  • en otras palabras
  • en pocas palabras
  • en toda la extensión de la palabra
  • en una palabra
  • hacer uso de la palabra
  • juego de palabras
  • mala palabra
  • ni media palabra
  • ni palabra
  • palabra de Dios
  • palabra de honor
  • palabra fantasma
  • palabra por palabra
  • palabras mayores
  • palabrero
  • palabrota
  • sin palabras
  • tomar la palabra
  • última palabra
  • una imagen vale más que mil palabras
  • una palabra


  • English: palabra
  • French: palabre
  • Greek: παλάβρα (palávra)
    • Turkish: palavra
      • Romanian: palavră
  • Papiamentu: palabra
  • Tagalog: palabra

Further reading

  • palabra”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014



Borrowed from Spanish palabra.


  • Hyphenation: pa‧la‧bra
  • IPA(key): /paˈlabɾa/, [pɐˈlab.ɾɐ]


palabra (Baybayin spelling ᜉᜎᜊ᜔ᜇ)

  1. word
    Synonym: salita

Further reading

  • palabra”, in Pambansang Diksiyonaryo | Diksiyonaryo.ph, Manila: Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino, 2018




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