spent bullet
bullet: spent bullet
(奥妙之处) knack:
(女巫) sorceress
(奴仆) servants (with green turbans in old China); lackey
(奴才) toady; sycophant:
(奶嘴) nipple (of a feeding bottle)
(奸诈邪恶的人) a crafty and evil person
(奸诈邪恶) crafty and evil; treacherous
(好办法) good plan; sound strategy
(好受) feel well:
(好吃) savoury; appetizing:
(好处) good; benefit:
(好得不得了) extremely good
(好忘事) absentminded; forgetful; confused; not to know of [whether] one is standing on one's head or one's heels; make someone dizzy; One's head reels.
(好文章、动人的故事) inspiring story:
(好极了) really sth.; terrific:
(好看) handsome; good-looking:
(好端端) in perfectly good condition; when everything is all right:
(如今) nowadays; today; now:
(如同) as; like; as good as:
(如实描绘) describe sth. as it is
(如实说出) confess; make a confession; own up
(妃嫔) the concubines of a monarch
(妇女失去贞操) lose one's chastity
(妇女的艳丽装束) gay feminine attire
(妇女) women
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更新时间:2025/3/10 18:54:46