

单词 pagod



Alternative forms

  • pagode


Compare French pagode. See pagoda.


pagod (plural pagods)

  1. Obsolete form of pagoda. (Asian religious building)
    • 1618, Richard Cocks, Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622, with Correspondence, Edward Maunde Thompson (ed.), New York: Burt Franklin, Vol. II, p. 75
      We went to vizet the antient monumentes of Japon, and amongst the rest the pagod, or monument, erected in remembrance of Ogosho Samma, the last Emperour, which, in my opinion, is the most magnificent peece of work which I have seene in Japon, both for the greatenesse and workmanship.
    • 1735, Alexander Pope, Satire IV, Satires, in The Complete Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, edited by Henry Walcott Boynton, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1903, lines 364-7,
      'T would burst ev'n Heraclitus with spleen / To see those antics, Fobling and Courtin: / The Presence seems, with things so richly odd, / The mosque of Mahound, or some queer pagod.
    • 1766, Tobias Smollett, Travels through France and Italy, Letter XXXI,
      The altar of St. Peter's choir, notwithstanding all the ornaments which have been lavished upon it, is no more than a heap of puerile finery, better adapted to an Indian pagod, than to a temple built upon the principles of the Greek architecture.
    • 1829, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Timbuctoo" in The Works of Alfred Tennyson, Boston: Dana Estes & Co., 1895, Vol. XII, p. 293,
      See'st thou yon river, whose translucent wave, / Forth issuing from the darkness, windeth through / The argent streets o' th' city, imaging / The soft inversion of her tremulous domes, / Her gardens frequent with the stately palm, / Her pagods hung with music of sweet bells,
  2. Obsolete form of pagoda. (idol)
    • 1688, Gabriel Magalhaens, A New History of China, translator not credited, London: Thomas Newborough, p. 259,
      If they say that the King is more powerfull, How comes it then to pass, say we, that the King throws himself upon his Knees before the Pagod, and adores him by bowing his head to the Earth?
    • 17th C., Edward Stillingfleet (1635-1699), cited in Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language, 1755
      They worship idols called pagods, after such a terrible representation as we make of devils.
    • 1705, William Wotton on A Tale of a Tub, in Jonathan Swift: The Critical Heritage, Kathleen Williams (ed.), 2002, London: Routledge, p. 46,
      How strictly do the Banians, and the other Sects of the Gentile East-Indians worship their Pagods, and respect their Temples?
    • 1814, Lord Byron, Journal in Thomas Moore, The Life of Lord Byron, with his Letters and Journals, London: John Murray, 1854, p.233,
      Offered to take Scrope home in my carriage; but he was tipsy and pious, and I was obliged to leave him on his knees praying to I know not what purpose or pagod.
    • 1924, Herman Melville, Billy Budd, London: Constable & Co., Chapter 12,
      At each spontaneous tribute rendered by the wayfarers to this black pagod of a fellow—the tribute of a pause and stare, and less frequent an exclamation,—the motley retinue showed that they took that sort of pride in the evoker of it which the Assyrian priests doubtless showed for their grand sculptured Bull when the faithful prostrated themselves.
  3. Obsolete form of pagoda. (currency unit)
    • 1700, Robert Morden, Geography Rectified, or A Description of the World, London: R. Morden & T. Cockerill, p. 334,
      The Money which the English Coin at the Fort of St. George upon the Coast of Cormandel, they call Pagods (as those of the Kings and Raja's of the Country are called) are of the same weight for goodness, and pass at the same value, which is about the weight of the French half Pistol; but the Gold is of baser Metal, []




  1. burnt, charred



From Portuguese pagode.


pagod c

  1. (architecture, religion) pagoda


Declension of pagod 


Alternative forms

  • pagor dialectal, Teresa-Morong


  • Hyphenation: pa‧god
  • IPA(key): /ˈpaɡod/, [ˈpa.ɣod] (noun)
  • IPA(key): /paˈɡod/, [pɐˈɣod] (adjective)


pagod (Baybayin spelling ᜉᜄᜓᜇ᜔)

  1. tiredness; fatigue
    Synonym: pagal

Derived terms

  • ikapagod
  • magpakapagod
  • makapagod
  • mamagod
  • mapagod
  • mapagod
  • pagkapagod
  • pagpaguran
  • pagurin
  • pamagod
  • pumagod
  • walang-pagod

See also

  • hirap
  • lata
  • ugod


pagód (Baybayin spelling ᜉᜄᜓᜇ᜔)

  1. tired; weary; exhausted
    Synonyms: hapo, mahina, (slang) lobat

Derived terms

  • di-pagod
  • kapaguran
  • pagod na pagod
  • pagurin

Further reading

  • pagod”, in Pambansang Diksiyonaryo | Diksiyonaryo.ph, Manila: Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino, 2018




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