speech: speech-way
(走私漏税) smuggling and tax evasion
(走路时腿脚发软或被绊了一下) limplegged; be tumbled
(走路) walk:
(赶上吃饭) be in time for a meal; be able to get meal:
(赶不上吃饭) miss a meal:
(赶牲畜) loudly urge on an animal:
(起床) get up; get out of bed:
(起源; 发生) originate; stem from:
(超出同类的可作为榜样的人) the best of its kind; the pick of the bunch; the cream of the crop; the pick; ace:
(超出; 脱离) be detached; stand [hold; keep] aloof; transcend worldliness:
(超脱人世) renounce the world; stand aloof from worldly affairs
(超过一点) a little over; a little more than:
(趋势) look like; seem:
(趋向于) tend to; result in; end in:
(足、棒、垒球场) field
(跌交) fall; tumble (over):
(跑得特别快的人) fleet-footed runner; fast walker [runner]:
(距离某件事情时间不远) soon after; shortly after; not long after:
(距离远) far off; remote; distant:
(跟‘就是’连用, 表示不这样就那样) either ... or ...
(跟事理完全相合) true and pertinent:
(跟老朋友一样) like old friends:
(跟自己关系比较近的人) a person with whom one has an intimate [a direct personal] relation
(跳水) trial dive
(踏实) sincere and honest; guileless; down-to-earth:
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