

单词 out of joint

out of joint


Prepositional phrase

out of joint

  1. (anatomy) Dislocated.
    I fell over and put my shoulder out of joint.
    • c. 1604–1626, doubtfully attributed to Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher, “The Faithful Friends”, in Henry [William] Weber, editor, The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, in Fourteen Volumes: [], volume I, Edinburgh: [] F[rancis] C[harles] and J[ohn] Rivington; [], published 1812, OCLC 1084827221, Act II, scene ii, page 50:
      Fla[via]. Come, Sir Pergamus, till your horse come, you and I'll go play at shuttle-cock. / Per[gamus]. A match i'faith. I love that sport a' life. Yet my mother charged me not to use it for fear of putting my arm out of joint.
  2. (by extension) Chaotic, disordered, out of control.
    • c. 1599–1602 (date written), William Shake-speare, The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke: [] (First Quarto), London: [] [Valentine Simmes] for N[icholas] L[ing] and Iohn Trundell, published 1603, OCLC 84758312, [Act I, scene v]:
      The time is out of ioynt, O curſed ſpite, / That euer I was borne to ſet it right, []
    • 1848 November – 1850 December, William Makepeace Thackeray, chapter 62, in The History of Pendennis. [], volume (please specify |volume=I or II), London: Bradbury and Evans, [], published 1849–1850, OCLC 2057953:
      If the time is out of joint, have I any calling or strength to set it right?
    • 1864 August – 1866 January, [Elizabeth] Gaskell, “A Passive Coquette”, in Wives and Daughters. An Every-day Story. [], volume II, London: Smith, Elder and Co., [], published 1866, OCLC 83344188, page 14:
      Her stepmother had whimsical moods; and if Cynthia displeased her, she would oppress Molly with small kindnesses and pseudo-affection. Or else everything was wrong, the world was out of joint, and Molly had failed in her mission to set it right, and was to be blamed accordingly.
  3. Not in harmony, in step or in line (with something).
    • 1933, Robert Byron, First Russia, Then Tibet, London: Macmillan, Part I, Chapter 5, p. 71,
      While the Kremlin at Moscow exhales a paradoxical sympathy with this renewal of old tradition, Leningrad seems out of joint with Bolshevism and wears a sad air, as though mourning for an interlude which is past.

Derived terms

  • nose out of joint






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