

单词 anti-shipper


See also: antishipper



anti- + shipper

Alternative forms

  • antishipper


anti-shipper (plural anti-shippers)

  1. (fandom slang) One who opposes a specific ship or shipping in general. [since 1996]
    Synonym: non-shipper
    Antonyms: pro-shipper, shipper
    • 1997 March 11, Ann Vermillion, “"Forbidden Fruit" by Anne Vermillion, re: Exit to Eden challenge”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative, Usenet:
      MSR ahead! anti-shippers, this ain't your cuppa tea! Plenty of UST!
    • 2003, Carol Stabile, Prime Time Animation: Television Animation and American Culture, page 189:
      These "shippers," Internet fan-slang for fans who want central characters to have a relationship ("shippers" is short for "relationshippers"), carried on fan-site wars with the "anti-shippers," fans who thought Daria had more integrity as a single girl.
    • 2021, Emily Burkhardt, Verity Trott, & Whitney Monaghan, "'#Bughead Is Endgame': Civic Meaning-Making inRiverdale Anti-Fandom andShipping Practices on Tumblr", Television & New Media:
      However, present within our data were examples of when Bughead shippers would hijack the #Antibughead tag, antagonizing anti-shippers and asserting dominance within the Riverdale fandom on Tumblr.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:anti-shipper.
  2. (fandom slang) One who objects to ships or shipping deemed offensive, e.g. due to incest, age differences, abusive elements, or power gaps (treating the other partner badly because they have less authority). [since 2016]
    Synonym: anti
    Antonyms: anti-anti, pro-shipper
    • 2016, Elizabeth Orson, "Exploring Abusive Shipping In The Jessica Jones Fandom", Focus Media Journal, Volume 37 (2016-2017), page 76:
      Yourshipisfine articulates the position many Jessica/Kilgrave shipper take when arguing with anti-shippers over the problematic nature of shipping Jessica and Kilgrave together: “yeah, we know it’s fucked up and wrong, that’s one of the main reasons why we ship it” when arguing with anti-shippers over the problematic nature of shipping Jessica and Kilgrave together.
    • 2019, Lauren Rouse, "The fan fiction reading guide: the use of multimedia and comments as close reading tools", thesis submitted to DePaul University, page 96:
      Furthermore, antis are angry at the pedophilic undertones in a relationship between Kylo and Rey and the large about[sic] of abuse and rape/non-con based fics in the ship. This makes tumblr and the internet at large a tumultuous place for any Reylo shipper. Yet, Jessika has found her niche on the website and rarely, if ever, deals with anti-shippers.
    • 2021, Victor Larsen, "'It Makes Me, A Minor, Uncomfortable': Media and Morality In Anti-Shippers' Policing of Online Fandom", thesis submitted to Ghent University, page 43:
      Anti-shippers tend to have the opinion that problematic art on the internet will be consumed by people too young to have the critical thinking skills to distinguish what is okay in real life versus in fiction, so it is best either not created at all or created in private.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:anti-shipper.


  • anti-relationshipper (X-Files fandom)
  • noromo (X-Files fandom)
  • anti-ship/antiship
  • anti-shipped/antishipped
  • anti-shipping/antishipping
  • pro-shipped/proshipped
  • pro-shipper/proshipper
  • pro-shipping/proshipping
  • pro-ship/proship


  • paintership




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