

单词 orchidectomist




From orchidectomy + -ist


orchidectomist (plural orchidectomists)

  1. One who performs an orchidectomy
    • 1895, J. Bolton Bangs, “The Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy”, in Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Massachusetts Medical Society:
      I was told by the doctor that a gentleman, who is an orchidectomist in my city, had said the only way to relieve the old man was to remove his testicles.
    • 1903, Block, “Affections of the Kidney”, in Transactions, volume 46, Missouri State Medical Association, page 52:
      I fear that their disappointment will be as keen and unpalatable as that of the orchidectomists in their pretentious claims for the cure of hypertrophied prostate[.]
    • 1910, J. Dellinger Barney, “Tubercular Epididymitis”, in Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, volume 166, page 413:
      A glance through the columns will show the most enthusiastic orchidectomist that his claims for the necessity, or better results, of the procedure are not backed up by the facts.
    • 2015 June 26, Simon Burnton, “Lazing around in the sun while someone else does the hunting”, in The Guardian:
      "The correct term would be orchidectomist I suppose, but they would probably prefer urologist" – John Moore.




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