

单词 antipericatametanaparbeugedamphicribrationes


Middle French


From Ancient Greek ἀντί (antí, opposite, facing), περί (perí, about, around), κατά (katá, downward), μετά (metá, after, among), ἀνά (aná, upward), παρά (pará, near, beside), and ἀμφί (amphí, around, apart, on both sides) and Latin crībrō (to sift).



  1. (nonce word, used only by Rabelais) haphazard siftings or roaming ruminations
    • 16th century, François Rabelais. In: Les œuures de M. Francois Rabelais Docteur en Medicine, contenans la vie, faicts & dicts Heroiques de Gargantua, & de sonfilz Panurge: Auecla Prognostication Pantagrueline, 1553, page 248 & 253 & 255 (in chapter VII of Le second livre des faicts et dicts Heroiques du bon Pantagruel, compose par M. Francois Rabelais Docteur en Medicine. Reueu & corrigé pour la seconde edition):
      Et touua la librairie de sainct Victor fort magnificque, mesmement d'aucuns liures qu'il y trouua, desquelz sensuit le repertoire, & primo. [...] Antipericatametanaparbeugedamphicribrationes merdicantium. [...] Desquelz aucuns sont ia impriméz, & les autres l'on imprime maintenant en cestle noble ville de Tubine.
      • The Works of Francis Rabelais, M. D. In Five Books. Vol. II. Now carefully revised, and compared throughout with the late new Edition of M. Le du Chat, By Mr. Ozell. Who has likewise added at the Bottom of the Pages, a Translation of the Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, of the said M. du Chat, and Others: In which Notes, never before printed in English, the Text is not only explained, but, in Multitudes of Places, amended, and made conformable to the first and best Editions of this learned and facetious Athor, Dublin, 1738, page 7337 & 55 & 67 (2nd book, chapter VII):
        In his Abode there he went to see the Library of St. Victor, very magnificent, especially in Books which were there, of which followeth the Catalogue. Et primò. [...] (93.) Antipericatametanaparbeugedamphicribrationes Mendicantium. [...] Of which Library some Books are already printed and the rest are now at the Press, in this noble City of Tubinge.
        (93.) Antipericatametanaparbeugedamphicribrationes Mendicantium.] It is in some Editions Merdicantium, which inclines M. D. C. to think our Author designates the Physicians by the barbarous Terms of their Profession.
      • Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel Translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter le Motteux annis 1653–1694 With an Introduction by Charles Whibley. Volume I, London, 1900, page 222 & 225 & 227 (2nd book, chapter VII):
        In his abode there he found the Library of St. Victor, a very stately and magnifick one, especially in some books which were there, of which followeth the Repertory and Catalogue, Et primò, [...] Antipericatametanaparbeugedamphicribationes toordicantium. [...] Of which library some books are already printed and the rest are now at the presse, in this noble city of Tubinge.




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