

单词 one and all

one and all



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one and all

  1. (idiomatic) The entire set of persons or things within a given domain, considered both as separate individuals and collectively.
    • 1724, Jonathan Swift, Drapier's Letters, 1
      Therefore my friends, stand to it one and all, refuse this filthy trash.
    • 1851 November 14, Herman Melville, chapter 99, in Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, 1st American edition, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers; London: Richard Bentley, OCLC 57395299:
      Now this doubloon was of purest, virgin gold [] and however wanton in their sailor ways, one and all, the mariners revered it as the white whale's talisman.
    • 1920, P. G. Wodehouse, The Coming of Bill, ch. 2:
      [M]en of every condition [] had laid their hearts at her feet. One and all, they had been compelled to pick them up and take them elsewhere.
    • 2010 April 24, Tom Wolfe, "Op-Ed Contributor: Faking West, Going East," New York Times (retrieved 26 Nov 2013):
      Later American literary stars like Hemingway, Faulkner, Sinclair Lewis and John Steinbeck, Nobel Prize-winners one and all, never had more than a spoonful of the great gouts of fame that Twain — and Mrs. Stowe, for that matter — enjoyed everywhere in the world.

Usage notes

  • With reference to people, often used to emphasize the solidarity or common circumstances of all the individuals constituting a group.


  • all and sundry






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