

单词 onde falan cartas, calen barbas

onde falan cartas, calen barbas


Alternative forms

  • falen cartas, calen barbas


"Where charters speak, beards must shut up": the facts (or records) are stronger than spoken words.


onde falan cartas, calen barbas

  1. (idiomatic) actions speak louder than words
    • 1671, Gabriel Feijoo de Araujo, Contenda dos labradores de Caldelas:
      Juro por tantos, è cantos / que à andeuer denegrada, / anque a justicia me lebe / os bois da corte, yas bacas. / eu pido vsos, e custumes / calen barbas, falen cartas
      I swear by each and every one that they shall see it livid, even if Justice takes away my oxen from the stables and the cows. I ask for customs and habits, actions speak louder than words.
    • 1880, Marcial Valladares, Majina ou a filla espúrea, page 376:
      — Señorito, non lle parezca mal. Ond'hai cartas calan barbas; o que s'escribe lese; o mundo, como V. m'enseña, esta cheo de trampóns e un papeliño sempre é bo, señorito.
      "Milord, don't get me wrong. Where there is charters, men shut up; what's written can be read; the world, as you teach me, is full of frauds and a piece of paper is always for good, milord."


  • onde falan cartas, calen barbas” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.




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