

单词 on bended knee

on bended knee


Prepositional phrase

on bended knee

  1. (dated) In a kneeling position.
    • 1898, Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Franklin's Maid", from Songs of Action:
      On bended knee full long he prayed.
  2. (by extension) Supplicatingly, imploringly.
    • 1990 November 5, John H. Cushman Jr., "Airports planning for big windfall," New York Times (retrieved 7 Nov 2017):
      Mr. Skinner said airports would not have to rely as much on their airline tenants to approve expansion. "They will be able to build new gates without going to an airline on bended knee," he said.
    • 2004 February 19, Julian Borger, "Party's over, but the Deaniacs are here to stay," Guardian (UK) (retrieved 7 Nov 2017):
      "Howard Dean is the only candidate to have smashed fundraising records, not by going on bended knee to the wealthy but by empowering ordinary Americans to take part in their democracy," Mr Gross said.




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