

单词 Old World

Old World

See also: old-world


Proper noun

the Old World

  1. The Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia.
  2. The known world before the discovery of the Americas.
    • 1859, Ferna Vale, Natalie; or, A Gem Among the Sea-Weeds
      Over the mind of the tourist, visiting the Old World for the first time,countries where have transpired thrilling events recorded in history, what an immensity of thought and feeling sweeps!
    • 2021-2022 Winter, Poplar III, James R., “America: The Great Experiment in Human Governance”, in SAR Magazine, volume 116, number 3, Louisville, KY: Sons of the American Revolution, ISSN 0161-0511, OCLC 1766001, page 19, column 1:
      When our Founding Fathers broke with the old world, America indeed was an experiment, and history has shown that such experiments were tried on few occasions but previously failed.


  • New World

Derived terms

  • Old World monkey
  • Old World ROM
  • old-world (adj)



  • world-old




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