shaft piercing
piercing: shaft piercing
(不能做) can't; be unable to; be incapable of:
(不能节制自己的感情) let oneself go:
(不能让人看见或知道) not fit to be seen or revealed; unpresentable:
(不能责备) not to blame:
(不能) can't:
(不能) can't:
(不舒服) be indisposed; not feel well:
(不要过问) never mind; leave sb. [sth.] alone:
(不让人知道) without being noticed:
(不许) impermissible; not allowed:
(不论如何) in any case; at any rate; anyhow:
(不论) whatever:
(不该相同而相同) duplicate; identical:
(不详细) not in detail; unspecified:
(不远的将来) one of these days; some day:
(不远的将来) the near future:
(不适合) not fit; not suited to:
(不适当) not suitable; unsuitable; inappropriate
(不通顺; 不流畅) not smooth; awkward; unnatural:
(不道德的) dissolute
(不错) not bad:
(不间断地) in one breath; without a break; at one go; at a stretch:
(不需要) there is no need to; it is not worth while to:
(不顺利) unsuccessful:
(不顺心) disagreeable; wretched; morose; eccentric:
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