

单词 not here to fuck spiders

not here to fuck spiders



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not here to fuck spiders

  1. (Australia, UK, vulgar) Used to indicate one has serious business to pursue and should not be wasting time.
    • 1997, Beverly Harper, chapter 7, in Edge of the Rain (ebook), Pan Macmillan Australia, published 2009, →ISBN:
      The big double gates of the holding paddock were swung open. Cattle bellowed, whips cracked, voices shouted out. Pat rode up to Alex. 'Come on, boyo, come on, we're not here to fuck spiders.' Alex grinned at him and cracked his whip.
    • 2012, Maree Anderson, Lightning Rider:
      'What are you doing here, Novik?' 'Well I'm not here to fuck spiders, Karylon. I'm here for you, of course.'
    • 2017, Dave Sinclair, The Amnesiac's Guide to Espionage: An Eva Destruction Novel, →ISBN:
      But they wouldn't find out by standing around. Eva clapped her hands together. “We're not here to fuck spiders, let's do this."




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