

单词 noncanal




non- + canal


noncanal (not comparable)

  1. Not of or pertaining to a canal.
    • 1904 April 1, Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United States, Department of Commerce and Labor Bureau of Statistics:
      In addition to the table given showing ocean freight rates during the canal season, a corresponding table for the noncanal season, namely, for the months from December to April, inclusive, has been prepared and is given herewith.
    • 2002, Mike Davis, Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World, page 338:
      Likewise, in the late Victorian Punjab, as Singh has shown, the neglect of small-scale irrigation improvements in the noncanal districts brought about increasd dependence upon rainfall and thus greater vulnerability to drought.
    • 2012, Michael L. Conniff, Panama and the United States: The End of the Alliance, page 90:
      The latter, in the spirit of the Good Neighbor policy, agreed to curb many canal practices that Panamanians found damaging to their interests, especially with regard to commissary and restaurant sales to noncanal employees and repatriation of retired West Indians.




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