

单词 niggerphile




nigger + -phile


niggerphile (plural niggerphiles)

  1. (slang, ethnic slur, derogatory, offensive) A non-black person fond of black people.
    Synonym: niggerlover
    • 1967, Daniel Allan Kinsley, Favor the Bold: Custer: the Civil War Years (Favor the Bold), volume 1, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, LCCN 67013482, OCLC 986050, page 3:
      There he debated and disputed with his students, damning Whigs as “radical niggerphiles” and denouncing “ Black Republicans ” as antislavery fanatics.
    • 2002 January 17, Tom Shelly, White God, “Aids is a good thing - it kills niggers and fags and other trash”, in alt.politics.homosexuality, Usenet:
      As typical with trolls, niggers, and niggerphiles, the made-up bullshit is easy to expose with just a little digging.  I found this
      website where you can do a federal inmate search as far back as 1982:
    • 2005 January 23, I. M. White, “Re: The Truth About "Martin Luther King"”, in misc.education, Usenet:
      Unless you are troll with no purpose in life, even the most liberal
      niggerphile is unable to dispute the facts against NIGGERS. That is why
      there is so much pressure from them to hide the truth.
    • 2021 April 1, Busta Capp, “Re: Feral Nigger”, in alt.sports.soccer.manchester.united, Usenet:
      If you simply keep quiet about it, you
      don't have to deal with the niggers at all. Many business men in my
      group have been doing it for years as well. I encourage others on here
      to not be timid and shy and put your natural inclinations into action
      and avoid all business with niggers. Nothing will happen despite the
      niggers and niggerphiles who will follow this post with threats of the
      labor commission, NAACP, and other nonsense.




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